Stop beads?

Rich Tea

New Member
Can anyone inform me if this will work or if there is better way?

I've boarded up my media wall ready to skim this weekend, most of it I can get into but there is a few small shelves I can't get into skim. If I add stop beads to the front of the shelves that I can't get into and just tape and fill the inside will this work for a nice finish on the front?
Mila Kunis Lol GIF by IFC
Can anyone inform me if this will work or if there is better way?

I've boarded up my media wall ready to skim this weekend, most of it I can get into but there is a few small shelves I can't get into skim. If I add stop beads to the front of the shelves that I can't get into and just tape and fill the inside will this work for a nice finish on the front?

Stop beads?
Can anyone inform me if this will work or if there is better way?

I've boarded up my media wall ready to skim this weekend, most of it I can get into but there is a few small shelves I can't get into skim. If I add stop beads to the front of the shelves that I can't get into and just tape and fill the inside will this work for a nice finish on the front?
Put a couple of pics up , you'll get best advice that way
It's the 3 smaller shelves I'm confused around doing, what would you guys use to get the best finish on these? I still have the board to fix onto the front.


  • Stop beads?
    2.7 MB · Views: 330
  • Stop beads?
    2.1 MB · Views: 326
  • Stop beads?
    2.5 MB · Views: 317
It's the 3 smaller shelves I'm confused around doing, what would you guys use to get the best finish on these? I still have the board to fix onto the front.

just use angle beads and fill and feather out the inner bit as best you can. Be fine once painted.