When striking timbers on bands and quoins does anyone have any helpful tips on removing timbers nice and clean without disturbing the render? E.g. Brush some oil on to timber prior to rendering.
just do it without themSika do a really good 'release' agent - brush or roller it on the battens and they pop out sweet. Make sure the battens are rebated for extra easy removal. I usually screw the battens to stop movement - I use brass screws as this stops any rust stains leaking down the render and on the battens (they can be used again on other jobs), once the render has set the battens come out great, then just cut a batten down to a handy size and use this to fill holes/make good and rub-up.....
Would that not leave an uneven "break" as it were? Plus soaked battens warp if left too long which would be a nightmare doing this kind of workSoak battens overnight in barrell of water. Following morning fix onto the wall,apply render. Battens will shrink as they dry out over a few day's hence separate themselves from the render
They should make plastic ones with a series of predrilled holes for fixing purposes. With the option of sliding the Square edge cut to reveal the 45° cut or other options. I need to draw this out and sell it to @Plasterers1StopShop I met get a bacon buttie and a brew out of it lol