OK, take the p1ss all you want, this is TPF after all.
Every hour or two stop what you're doing then start practising some meditation techniques. Ten minutes at a time to begin with.
The first one is to do nothing and try to not hear anything no matter what the background noise is. Stand or sit in a relaxed position and close you eyes, get an image in your head (a pebble or some other hippy cr4p works well). Focus on it really hard, study the details, colour, surface texture shape etc.The idea being the more you focus on that the less you hear.
Another one is to stand relaxed hands at your sides, close you eyes and focus on the tips of your index fingers. One at a time raise your pointed finger from the rest position to touch the tip of your nose in a big arc. One smooth movement without pausing. You'll probably miss at first, but you're basically recalibrating so don't force it you'll get it after a few goes.
It all works really well with stress and anger management.
There are loads more, but you can google the videos of fit birds (or lads if that's your thing) on YouTube etc.
All this flowery bollox is a load of w4nk until you realise how well it works.