Good man? It will come in time, the more. big lids you do, everyone hates ceilings:RpS_thumbup:
Whats your Labourer doing while you're laying on?
Umm yup, when you've picked off yr hawk (handboard for those north of watford), stand so yr first stroke is a push stroke to get the plaster onto the lid. Pushing is less strenuous on the 'ole shoulders!. So, push it on and pull backwards over it, then push to smooth it down, if you work like i do with 3 stroke per trowel full. Hope that makes it clearer...
never heard of pushing plaster on a ceiling hmm so your useing the back edge of the trowel to push it on makes no sence.
I think you've misread what ive written ole bean....
Essexandy, you'd be suprised how many folk who don't do it that way!
never heard of pushing plaster on a ceiling hmm so your useing the back edge of the trowel to push it on makes no sence.