Sunday Work Photos.... #competition

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Teaching myself to router kitchen worktop
Sunday Work Photos.... #competition
One other thing I'll add, I doubt anyone in the history of humanity has ever drawn their last breath and said "I wish I'd spent more time at work." Money is necessary, but it's not the most important thing in life by a long shot.

One family member, and the husband of my wife's friend have died in the last month. One 52, the other 50.
Food eaten, first trowel off done ...I recon I be done for 7pm u lazy Sunday farts...i reckon even @scottie5 can't even skim as much as I have put on today.
Give me that mug
Sunday Work Photos.... #competition
Day 55 without a day off but too busy at moment ....
leading up to xmas can be a headache
almost done not all my own work

Just outside to finish hardscaping
Sunday Work Photos.... #competition
Fcuk me you bhoys would put the west of Ireland country men to shame. I thought them boys where bad until I met you. Go home skipper, its the day of the sabbath ffs. God bless ya! Lol
Think I deserve one of these tshirts as well ,@Marshy is this one yours...nice.
Sunday Work Photos.... #competition
The point is though, you don't have to do the 7 days to get into that position. People (me included) do/did it because we couldn't see (or didn't want to accept) that there are better alternatives. We are all guilty at some point of thinking that if we work a lot more we earn a lot more. It isn't true, if you work a lot more you earn a bit more.

It's the difference between being good at your job and a grafter, and running a successful business. It's not just my opinion, have a look at any successful business to see what it does and how it's run. Working loads of hours has a limit because there are only so many days in the week. So in simple money terms, earning £200 x 7 days = £1,400 but earning £500 x 3 days = £1,500 plus four days for you. Even if you spend another day or two out of those four working on increasing the day rate or marketing the business, or targeting specific customers you are still £100 and two days better off.
@Nisus must be doing alright if your paying him 500 a day , got a start for me
Food eaten, first trowel off done ...I recon I be done for 7pm u lazy Sunday farts...i reckon even @scottie5 can't even skim as much as I have put on today.
Give me that mug
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Youm blagging its 6:20pm now and according to it that pic was up loaded less than half hour ago and it's still light outside I bet that was took in the week and that steak was from wetherspoons Tuesday lol
You've been caught my friend lol
yet no time is spent on business or sales training. That has to be learnt by trial and error, picking things up as you go along, stuff you read and see etc. If you had the personal skills at 25 that you have at 50, then maybe the age thing would be less of an issue?

I offered a training event on here in the past as I have a friend who is a s**t hot sales trainer but nobody was interested... well maybe 3 people....
I offered a training event on here in the past as I have a friend who is a s**t hot sales trainer but nobody was interested... well maybe 3 people....
Offer some drinking training instead?? Bet you get more than 3 applying then :birra:
Nearly finish but all my hard Sunday work has been in vain,
The light has gone now it's pitch dark @Fatarm .Working the gauge to finish with this flood light and the wall looks right rough dog,now I am going to have to reskim it tomorrow all for the sake of winning this flipping mug u lazy Sunday twits,
P.s I have cancelled tomorrow's job I am to tired now.
Sunday Work Photos.... #competition
Nearly finish but all my hard Sunday work has been in vain,
The light has gone now it's pitch dark @Fatarm .Working the gauge to finish with this flood light and the wall looks right rough dog,now I am going to have to reskim it tomorrow all for the sake of winning this flipping mug u lazy Sunday twits,
P.s I have cancelled tomorrow's job I am to tired now.
View attachment 8629
I second that @Rossi46 poor lad been grafting all day while ive been drinking and dry humping members of the public dressed as Santa. Just waiting for the police sirens :birra:
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