I am a contractor myself and to think that contractors control the prices paid is a sign of naivety, think Tesco and the farmers who are always on the news complaining that they are being forced to supply their products at marginally above cost price while the supermarkets make all the profit, same deal with contractors, I bet if Cannon told you what they were getting per house you'd fall off your chair, contracting is low margin high volume and rates are determined by area and competition in the market place not by greedy fat cat contractors as lads on site often naively believe .
I'm a contractor to Persimmon homes and one or two other house builders, when I set up do you think I walked off site and into a £2billion a year house builders office and told them what they are going to pay me?
people are putting work on here that many lads would snap up and are capable of making really good money at the prices paid, all some people do on here is jump on these threads and slag the people offering jobs off,
How many men are you creating jobs for? how many men do you provide the means to pay their mortgage and feed their family? i'll bet not a tenth of what the people offering work here are doing so what exactly is the value in what you are doing or what you have to say?
You don't want the work, great, keep your gob shut and let those who do have a crack at it.
Bitchier than mumsnet on here sometimes.