tackers wanted asap

I am a contractor myself and to think that contractors control the prices paid is a sign of naivety, think Tesco and the farmers who are always on the news complaining that they are being forced to supply their products at marginally above cost price while the supermarkets make all the profit, same deal with contractors, I bet if Cannon told you what they were getting per house you'd fall off your chair, contracting is low margin high volume and rates are determined by area and competition in the market place not by greedy fat cat contractors as lads on site often naively believe .

I'm a contractor to Persimmon homes and one or two other house builders, when I set up do you think I walked off site and into a £2billion a year house builders office and told them what they are going to pay me?

people are putting work on here that many lads would snap up and are capable of making really good money at the prices paid, all some people do on here is jump on these threads and slag the people offering jobs off,

How many men are you creating jobs for? how many men do you provide the means to pay their mortgage and feed their family? i'll bet not a tenth of what the people offering work here are doing so what exactly is the value in what you are doing or what you have to say?

You don't want the work, great, keep your gob shut and let those who do have a crack at it.

Bitchier than mumsnet on here sometimes.
Large volume, low pay big profit and all contractors hope it stays that way
I am a contractor myself and to think that contractors control the prices paid is a sign of naivety, think Tesco and the farmers who are always on the news complaining that they are being forced to supply their products at marginally above cost price while the supermarkets make all the profit, same deal with contractors, I bet if Cannon told you what they were getting per house you'd fall off your chair, contracting is low margin high volume and rates are determined by area and competition in the market place not by greedy fat cat contractors as lads on site often naively believe .

I'm a contractor to Persimmon homes and one or two other house builders, when I set up do you think I walked off site and into a £2billion a year house builders office and told them what they are going to pay me?

people are putting work on here that many lads would snap up and are capable of making really good money at the prices paid, all some people do on here is jump on these threads and slag the people offering jobs off,

How many men are you creating jobs for? how many men do you provide the means to pay their mortgage and feed their family? i'll bet not a tenth of what the people offering work here are doing so what exactly is the value in what you are doing or what you have to say?

You don't want the work, great, keep your gob shut and let those who do have a crack at it.

Bitchier than mumsnet on here sometimes.
Or poor poor you for making a little bittle profit..you keep ur gob shut f**k face u sound like ur hiding sumat..mayb that ur making big bucks..wat a crock of s**t
I agreed with your comment ....but cut the crap ...your making good money ...even with the shiite that persimmon pay.

Don't get me wrong, its good money overall, but plot for plot its s**t, that's what I mean by its high volume low margin, which means that no matter what people may think there isn't the margin on the houses to pay £3 p/m2 for tacking up here in the northwest....people on here don't differentiate between regional rates, yes you'll get more down south because the cost of living is more so the builders have to pay more, but they don't mind because the same house they build up here is probably worth 2 - 3 times as much when they sell it down south depending on area.

up here they sell the houses for less so they make sure they pay less to build them which means lower rates for the lads, but most don't mind because their cost of living is a lot less so what would be a terrible wage in London isn't bad at all up here, just the way of the world.
@Kitchy my Mrs friend is staying in a hotel 5 minutes from where you live says is it possible for you to pop to the hotel and sort her out,free booze and viagra if you need it
tackers wanted asap
Don't get me wrong, its good money overall, but plot for plot its s**t, that's what I mean by its high volume low margin, which means that no matter what people may think there isn't the margin on the houses to pay £3 p/m2 for tacking up here in the northwest....people on here don't differentiate between regional rates, yes you'll get more down south because the cost of living is more so the builders have to pay more, but they don't mind because the same house they build up here is probably worth 2 - 3 times as much when they sell it down south depending on area.

up here they sell the houses for less so they make sure they pay less to build them which means lower rates for the lads, but most don't mind because their cost of living is a lot less so what would be a terrible wage in London isn't bad at all up here, just the way of the world.
Don't get me wrong, its good money overall, but plot for plot its s**t, that's what I mean by its high volume low margin, which means that no matter what people may think there isn't the margin on the houses to pay £3 p/m2 for tacking up here in the northwest....people on here don't differentiate between regional rates, yes you'll get more down south because the cost of living is more so the builders have to pay more, but they don't mind because the same house they build up here is probably worth 2 - 3 times as much when they sell it down south depending on area.

up here they sell the houses for less so they make sure they pay less to build them which means lower rates for the lads, but most don't mind because their cost of living is a lot less so what would be a terrible wage in London isn't bad at all up here, just the way of the world.

Around 15 years ago in london I was getting £3 a metre and taxed 18% with no kids.
Now in northwest im getting £2.40 @ 20% with 3 kids.

Anyone else need a blowjob !!!!!
I'm that not interested in this thread im going to do a 1st and unwatch it..
Got a new design unreleased Marshalltown trowel delivered last week to give feedback on to Marshalltown in u.s.a they sent 2 by mistake...do you want the spare one for free ?
I perfectly understand the rates divide I had this with bobby last week..£1.90m2 is s**t no matter how u dress it up its with that attitude on or a decent boarder will do 35 boards a day that ain't the point and its with that y the guy is paying £1.90m2 because he knows u will accept it we are Leeds are we getting £3 at the min sometimes we get £2.50 but below £2m2 is crap end of I bet cannon is getting at least over £3m2+ if not more
Ha ha kitchy is getting himself in a pickle about prices again!!!