
We.ve fell out allready . What happens when were off together. I.m in that lovely place when waiting to get paid and every time her mouth opens it involves spending money
Oh Johnny.....when you live with a woman, you have your money, her money and house money. Halves on the bills and then what's left is your own. Then she can spend HER money on whatever shite she wants.
Oh Johnny.....when you live with a woman, you have your money, her money and house money. Halves on the bills and then what's left is your own. Then she can spend HER money on whatever shite she wants.
That’s way we do things, she buys the shopping every week and I pay for nights out/Holidays, seems to work.
That’s way we do things, she buys the shopping every week and I pay for nights out/Holidays, seems to work.
Tried it both ways. Best way for me was to go halves on a house float and keep rest.
Sharing didn't work for me. She just ran out of money and then wanted to spend mine.

Course, its best if you don't live together at all. That way I don't have to put up with fridge magnets and gadgets in the kitchen, shite in the cupboards and a bathroom full of bottles of weird stuff.
That’s way we do things, she buys the shopping every week and I pay for nights out/Holidays, seems to work.
She pays all bills as her money is guerenteed . Whats left she spends on her sen. I buy shopping then rests fun money . Holidays etc. Saving at min to insulate house though
Course, its best if you don't live together at all. That way I don't have to put up with fridge magnets and gadgets in the kitchen, shite in the cupboards and a bathroom full of bottles of weird stuff.
I'd imagine it's probably better for womankind as well.