Tc15 water or no water ??



Do any of you add any water to the tc15 silicone tubs, used the other day and was very thick and chewy, added some water and it felt a lot better. Thanks
I’ve only used TC15 a few times and I added a small amount of water (150 ml approx) because of the same thing and it’s been fine.
Well done big man
No problem ya F*****g chancer
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Always one bellend and that’s you, I suppose you came out your mum with all the knowledge, you miserable t**t
Actually he's a really helpful bloke, given me loads of advice with regards thincoat.
I think most of us on here are more likely to offer advice to long-term, active members of the forum, and even then by DM.
Genuine question; if all these topcoats are better with a higher water content, why aren't the manufacturers making them wetter? More profit for them that way.
Always one bellend and that’s you, I suppose you came out your mum with all the knowledge, you miserable t**t
Don’t be silly how can a newborn know everything about thin coat render you thick chancing c**t.
I bet it’s easy to slip inside your mom though ain’t it, she’ll do anything for half a pack of biscuits and a can of pop that one