Testicle eating fish, no tea bagging beddy

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River monsters done an episode on the pacu and what it has been reported to have done around its native amazon river. Nasty nashers and some real power to put behind them aswell, they are supposed to be veggies with the teeth used to bust open hard nutshells and fruit seeds but are slowly taking a liking to meats. You think that shot looks chompy then google the wolf fish found in the fjords of Norway.....
Now thats a set of scary teeth lol
River monsters done an episode on the pacu and what it has been reported to have done around its native amazon river. Nasty nashers and some real power to put behind them aswell, they are supposed to be veggies with the teeth used to bust open hard nutshells and fruit seeds but are slowly taking a liking to meats. You think that shot looks chompy then google the wolf fish found in the fjords of Norway.....
Now thats a set of scary teeth lol
I've dived up st Abbs a few times, loads up that way, your right ,ugly buggers !
I saw that rivermonsters episode...

I wont skinny dip in the sea...lol a swimming pool all day long :)
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