Il tell you exactly what that its a my builder desperado numpty jobc**t of a job that m8
Nail on head!!!Il tell you exactly what that its a my builder desperado Stevieo numpty b*ll***s job
If you say so. I'm sure a my builder numpty could of pulled that job off..Il tell you exactly what that its a my builder desperado numpty job
Hate doing curves. No good for my ocd. See every straight and kink along the beadPrefer things like this myself breaks the monotony View attachment 59282
corrected that for you Mr. ZIl tell you exactly what that its a my builder desperado lefty numpty job
Bless. Nice to know so many of you would be unable to do the job. Alot of skill needed for that onecorrected that for you Mr. Z
The only skill needed is to not have enough work to f**k it off!Bless. Nice to know so many of you would be unable to do the job. Alot of skill needed for that one
Plenty of work on cheers. Some plasterers can only skim abit of fresh board(some can't even do that mind) , some can turn their hand to any situation. Jobs done, money in bank on to the nextThe only skill needed is to not have enough work to f**k it off!
Totaly agree...Plenty of work on cheers. Some plasterers can only skim abit of fresh board(some can't even do that mind) , some can turn their hand to any situation. Jobs done, money in bank on to the next
If you have enough to do then you would f**k the job off!What does that mean?