Thanks unifinish For costing me

I've had dodgy boards before where paper had delaminated surely it covers all bg products but I'm sure before it's been mentioned that you don't have to use all bg products,so is that underhand that it could be used as a get out clause? I know we been over this loads but would it go back to oh the pva wasn't right. Plastering isn't an exact science and could be various reasons why some thing would fail
The guarantee is a gimmick for the scheme to make it look better for the customer, but the reality is it's no better (or worse) than anyone not on the scheme
Yes your right, it will give someone quoting an upper hand when it comes to the homeowner choosing who they want to carry out the job. That brings me back to my point, for them to be able to offer it they need people in place that can do site visits and that's where irishspread comes in. Wither he ever has to do any that's another debate but for you to say he is only there because of unifinish is just a bit daft init?
Yes your right, it will give someone quoting an upper hand when it comes to the homeowner choosing who they want to carry out the job. That brings me back to my point, for them to be able to offer it they need people in place that can do site visits and that's where irishspread comes in. Wither he ever has to do any that's another debate but for you to say he is only there because of unifinish is just a bit daft init?

He said he works freelance for bg to determine what's at fault product or plasterer and whatever his findings bg will go with, so I ask what faulty products and he can't answer, odd is it not.
But again what else is going to fail other than uni ? Because with the guarantee no pva is being used.
I've had dodgy boards before where paper had delaminated surely it covers all bg products but I'm sure before it's been mentioned that you don't have to use all bg products,so is that underhand that it could be used as a get out clause? I know we been over this loads but would it go back to oh the pva wasn't right. Plastering isn't an exact science and could be various reasons why some thing would fail

Not covered if knauf boards though
I have never had issue in 35 years that i can remember that i can defo say material was culprit.
Usually a shortcut or a risk to blame.
This applies to me only.
Although materials are manufactured a bit different now probably to do with some eu directive to save energy and if it's unifinish it's a new product that has failed
He said he works freelance for bg to determine what's at fault product or plasterer and whatever his findings bg will go with, so I ask what faulty products and he can't answer, odd is it not.
But again what else is going to fail other than uni ? Because with the guarantee no pva is being used.
They have a structure in place to offer a guarantee, you have twisted this to suit your unifinish agenda as you do. Be as pedantic as you like but you know I'm right :numberone:
Good Morning U.K , Ireland, wifi still not the best ... turned out the toga party was at a nudist resort ... can't log back till later to have a read through thread, no storms and waves the same
Thanks unifinish For costing me
Only your post
So as your a paid employee of British gypsum you are hardly allowed to slag stuff off are you? You are paid to praise products yet when they fail you haven't really come out with why it has failed people get dog abuse on here for loving uni or hating it yet I rarely see you as a product demonstrator come on here and defend it
They have a structure in place to offer a guarantee, you have twisted this to suit your unifinish agenda as you do. Be as pedantic as you like but you know I'm right :numberone:

So still not able to answer the basic question of other than uni what else is likely to fail after installation has been completed that can be the fault of the product other than uni ?
The guarantee is a gimmick.

I have no agenda with uni, I will pull up those that tell lies on it though
I will also pull up those that make out they are better plasterers because they are on this scheme than those that are not. Personaly I don't see it taking off hence I'm not bothered with it, but I have a right like everyone else to ask questions about it, and when questions are avoided on the pre txt that I'm thick it raises more questions hence why this has dragged on for so long
@gps. Can you not accept that it's just a bit of marketing bullshitery much the same as any other business bullshits its potential customers? Instead of getting all irate and raising your bloodpressure just chuckle to yourself at what a lot of nonsense it all is and move on.
@gps. Can you not accept that it's just a bit of marketing bullshitery much the same as any other business bullshits its potential customers? Instead of getting all irate and raising your bloodpressure just chuckle to yourself at what a lot of nonsense it all is and move on.
Pug for President!:tanguero:

Are you married with children?
Do you not have anything better to do than come on here every 5 minutes talking drivel?
Your wanking on about something that was discussed months ago
Go out and find some friends

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What q
So still not able to answer the basic question of other than uni what else is likely to fail after installation has been completed that can be the fault of the product other than uni ?
The guarantee is a gimmick.

I have no agenda with uni, I will pull up those that tell lies on it though
I will also pull up those that make out they are better plasterers because they are on this scheme than those that are not. Personaly I don't see it taking off hence I'm not bothered with it, but I have a right like everyone else to ask questions about it, and when questions are avoided on the pre txt that I'm thick it raises more questions hence why this has dragged on for so long
what questions have you not had answered on this thread? I agree that most guarantees are gimmicks
@gps. Can you not accept that it's just a bit of marketing bullshitery much the same as any other business bullshits its potential customers? Instead of getting all irate and raising your bloodpressure just chuckle to yourself at what a lot of nonsense it all is and move on.

Irate lol you get me all wrong I couldn't give a monkeys either way, its all fun for me
Are you married with children?
Do you not have anything better to do than come on here every 5 minutes talking drivel?
Your wanking on about something that was discussed months ago
Go out and find some friends

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes and 1 daughter.

im responding to others, I never started this thread nor did I mention the scheme, others brought that to the table.
Btw don't like it don't read it simple.
It was not an invite, you appear to flatter yourself

Ah my apologies, I didn't realise you had such a poor grasp of grammar. With that and your exceptionally dull/obsessive personality life's really dealt you a poor hand. :(

Still, chin up, you've still got TPF so all's not lost. (y)
I just got a call back aswell this morning....the fuucking lot fell off.
Well......i suppose shes gotta start somewhere !!!


  • Thanks unifinish For costing me
    1.1 MB · Views: 282
Lol, Seriously you have to ask that, go back and read it
If your talking about what failures are to be expected you could ask any company who offered guarantees and they would all say nothing. Anyone can nit pick at something and find flaws. If it's not that then I'm not reading back through this thread as reading your pish once is more than enough lol