The Apocalypse

Had a conversation with an American man this morning. He seems to think that all will be fine, Donald will be nicely controlled and edited, Hillary will melt away, no wall will be built. Redneck America has spoken and will be loving every minute of the next little while, the economy will wobble then rally and everything will be fine. Trump advocates America for Americans, and that Has struck a cord with mr average white guy. Ultimately he's a businessman, and business is good for America.
Corbyn is a bloke who if he had his way there would be no Trident. Now that is just f**k**g mental.
Proper mental but atleast he got the balls to say it instead of the pr filter most have them the way I dont vote labour so not a fan or anything just think atleast he tells the truth of his opinion on some stuff regardless of if its a vote winner
And possibly spending 80 billion pounds on something and it's up keep that will never be used isn't mental ?
In a viscious world its important for people to know your not to be f**k*d with


  • The Apocalypse
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I dont need to google it im fully aware of what socialism and communism are and stalin was a communist....or maybe even a fascist
Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism. :-)
Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism. :-)
Communism involves a grab of power and temporary dictatorship. Socialism of the corbyn kind is democratic. Lots of similarities, yes, but some important differences. Lodan, the gap in wealth is too big, capitalism is failing.
Communism involves a grab of power and temporary dictatorship. Socialism of the corbyn kind is democratic. Lots of similarities, yes, but some important differences. Lodan, the gap in wealth is too big, capitalism is failing.
Agreed. But original point was that "Socialism" and "Communism" do tie in together, I stand by that point. Is Corbyn in the same league as Stalin and Mao..? Most definitely not. The two fore mentioned are responsible for in excess of 190 million deaths. Similarities do exist though in text book reading of Socialism and Communism, and to be quite honest in theory the Marxist ideals sound a wonderful way of life. Reality shows though this does not work in practice.

You could count the communist countries that exist today on one hand. China, N Korea, Veitnam, Cuba, Angola. It just does not work, we live in a capitalism world where Coca-Cola is king.

Sad but true.
Agreed. But original point was that "Socialism" and "Communism" do tie in together, I stand by that point. Is Corbyn in the same league as Stalin and Mao..? Most definitely not. The two fore mentioned are responsible for in excess of 190 million deaths. Similarities do exist though in text book reading of Socialism and Communism, and to be quite honest in theory the Marxist ideals sound a wonderful way of life. Reality shows though this does not work in practice.

You could count the communist countries that exist today on one hand. China, N Korea, Veitnam, Cuba, Angola. It just does not work, we live in a capitalism world where Coca-Cola is king.

Sad but true.
Agree to the links between communism and socialism and read Karl Marx and like a lot but not all of what I read. Communism hasn't worked but I think socialism could.
Agree to the links between communism and socialism and read Karl Marx and like a lot but not all of what I read. Communism hasn't worked but I think socialism could.
In its essence the very principles of "Marxism" state a world where everyone is equal, it just does not exist in reality. Only one principle power since the collapse of the Soviet Union remains today on earth, and that is China. Yet as it stands today China portrays a communistic value but it's growth is pure capitalism. No other country has both Communism and Capitalism running side by side. Unfortunately historical events involving Communist countries has shown purge after purge on all sections of societies, the mortality rates are truly frightening. And I'm sorry but state control just does not work and Socialism heads in that direction. Corbyn may very well be a principled man, and that is to be admired. Unfortunately the world we live in is in a vacuum of globalization and every facet of human life contains a capitalist element. It is inescapable.
Heres are story how your life starts from birth your mother and father decide to register your birth, soon as those signatures are signed there handed with a peice of paper called a birth certificate now what you don't see is the pink slip which gets sent straight to America to be sold on the stock market all your lifes revenue you will ever earn all decided on by your parents careers.
They convince you with free health care schools passport driving licence your practically owned by government once this paper is signed your no longer a free man .
Your education is what they drill into you what they want to make you believe happened . It's all bull s**t if facts will ever get out about how this corrupt planet is run by greedy banks who own everything from courts to corporate companies.
You believe you own your own house when a mortgage is taken out another massive corrupt bullshit lie, you will never receive the original documents it's already been sold on to some Japanese millionaire , you'll only ever received a photocopy.
Your log book says it right on the front cover do you belive you own that vehicle no you don't your simply the registered keeper does a zoo keeper own a zoo no.
Now let's talk about world wars that they let you think that are own innocent people died for a good cause , war isn't made to benefit citizens simply for the small minority of these greedy bast Ards at the top. Winston Churchill was on his way to set up in Canada with all the gold and silver reserves but yet this propaganda bullshit let's you believe he was a hero.
The scary thing about all this is how blind most people are to what's really going on in this world, we are actually still living in the matrix running our lives by a machine .
It's hard to get this into your head but there is no such thing as money it's a digital imprint from a banking system.
Yet were running around like idiots thinking we make a difference we are still slaves to the higher power. Any given time they can approach you and tell you your coming to war if it ever kicks off ill not be hanging around going to fight for these c**ts.
Heres are story how your life starts from birth your mother and father decide to register your birth, soon as those signatures are signed there handed with a peice of paper called a birth certificate now what you don't see is the pink slip which gets sent straight to America to be sold on the stock market all your lifes revenue you will ever earn all decided on by your parents careers.
They convince you with free health care schools passport driving licence your practically owned by government once this paper is signed your no longer a free man .
Your education is what they drill into you what they want to make you believe happened . It's all bull s**t if facts will ever get out about how this corrupt planet is run by greedy banks who own everything from courts to corporate companies.
You believe you own your own house when a mortgage is taken out another massive corrupt bullshit lie, you will never receive the original documents it's already been sold on to some Japanese millionaire , you'll only ever received a photocopy.
Your log book says it right on the front cover do you belive you own that vehicle no you don't your simply the registered keeper does a zoo keeper own a zoo no.
Now let's talk about world wars that they let you think that are own innocent people died for a good cause , war isn't made to benefit citizens simply for the small minority of these greedy bast Ards at the top. Winston Churchill was on his way to set up in Canada with all the gold and silver reserves but yet this propaganda bullshit let's you believe he was a hero.
The scary thing about all this is how blind most people are to what's really going on in this world, we are actually still living in the matrix running our lives by a machine .
It's hard to get this into your head but there is no such thing as money it's a digital imprint from a banking system.
Yet were running around like idiots thinking we make a difference we are still slaves to the higher power. Any given time they can approach you and tell you your coming to war if it ever kicks off ill not be hanging around going to fight for these c**ts.
Love it just love it. USA will be great again and the establishment has been rocked to the core.

The clintons are crooks and the good folk of America see through that fake smile

Its all gonna kick off tonight.......
Usa v mexico
England v scotland.....
May god be with us all.
This is about the best thing after Brexit, all the leftie lovvies multicultural elitist who branded everyone racists if the questioned extremism can really do one as some in America have said how can we sort other people's porches out when we can't even sweep our own properly, the average man in the street is finally fighting back,all you left wing socialists have had your day, now respect the will of the people and make the world a better place
It'll be a different place. I think we're beyond a better place. The left have their version of facsism and the right also. The middle ground is full of crackpots regressing into their own narrow agendas. The whole time capitalism is left to go feral. So good luck if your saving yourself for the future cos the one you want is discontinued.
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The Apocalypse
We can't call it a hawk as that offends Hawks and we can't call it a hand board incase it offends the disabled, I shall go for calling it plaster holder