The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering

The gloves was ok... but when we were rendering the sand would get in teh glove and teh sores were horrific... I ended up wearing surgical gloves and then the other gloves... but thatw as not fun...
I wear cotton gloves they're really good. They're not thick you hardly notice them
When can you finish we have a plumber coming tomorrow.

w**k*r builders who think your one of his labourers, and dont have a clue about the job.

Working with rough c**ts.

People who think plastering isnt as important as other trades.

Catching my b*ll***s in my zip.


  • The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering
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Trying to make to site manager understand that I'm on price and dont get paid to not out ceilings and sort out all the other trades crap they left. And he says just get on with cos he hasn't got the b*ll***s to get them back and sort it. Can't wait to see the face on the sparky when he sees I've filled all the sockets and buried his cables in ceilings cos he can't be arsed to tidy them up.
Did someone say they cant stand board adhesive?. Had to scrape a shite load off this off of boards before starting today.

The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering

The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering

Had a call for a job.

Can you fill these in?,

The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering
The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering
Oh dear me!:loco: I have to admit I thought have seen it all, but some of the pics on here are beyond my standards for s**t work:rolleyes:
Any of the Irish lads having problems with the Irish skim. It's s**t setting like f**k and looks s**t drying out.
Tbh don't know what to say anymore. I think BG have went over the top , everytime I mix I am ready for surprise . This was the first coat, if it tears or not mixed well you can fix it with the trowel, but couldn't do it this time.for sure nothing is getting wasted. Had to bin 4 bags and I know where they will go;)
The b*ll***s That Goes With Plastering
I herd a beauty from the father in law the other day.

"my mate mark years ago when I done building work used to skim a 3 bedroom house down in a day, he was the first in the south west to do that"

I just smiled and nodded, prick.
I herd a beauty from the father in law the other day.

"my mate mark years ago when I done building work used to skim a 3 bedroom house down in a day, he was the first in the south west to do that"

I just smiled and nodded, prick.
So f**k**g backward. I cry with pain when I speak to another spread who brags about doing whole houses in a couple of days. Just so average. What boring people.
Tbh don't know what to say anymore. I think BG have went over the top , everytime I mix I am ready for surprise . This was the first coat, if it tears or not mixed well you can fix it with the trowel, but couldn't do it this time.for sure nothing is getting wasted. Had to bin 4 bags and I know where they will go;)
View attachment 11663
Talk me through that picture ..I can't make out what is what ?
What do I hate about plastering?

Everyone tells you about a brilliant plaster they 'used to know'

'can you just'

The s**t left by other trades as mentioned many times before.

My chronic tennis elbow after only 10 years

Bringing that dusty s**t into my own house!

....What do I love?

I decide what I do and I command my own rate for it.

Going home at 2 pm sometimes

Holidays......... I have lots of holidays... Got no kids so why the f**k not;)

And when the elbows hurt too much................ Answers On a postcard... Or here actually!
One of them is made with uni, bonding, multi etc.;)
When I first looked at it I thought you had skimmed the bit on the right and not the bit on left with no bead on the edge of the boards.
What do I hate about plastering?

Everyone tells you about a brilliant plaster they 'used to know'

'can you just'

The s**t left by other trades as mentioned many times before.

My chronic tennis elbow after only 10 years

Bringing that dusty s**t into my own house!

....What do I love?

I decide what I do and I command my own rate for it.

Going home at 2 pm sometimes

Holidays......... I have lots of holidays... Got no kids so why the f**k not;)

And when the elbows hurt too much................ Answers On a postcard... Or here actually!
For me every since I started using Speedskim 600 my elbows have been fine..some will say it's bullshit but it's the truth..that was my main reason for using it more in my sets.The bigger ones for me are not as helpful as the 600 on my elbow or wrists.
Just thought it would be worth a mention...tendons needed 7 weeks rest at one point about 2.5 years ago.
When I first looked at it I thought you had skimmed the bit on the right and not the bit on left with no bead on the edge of the boards.
For me every since I started using Speedskim 600 my elbows have been fine..some will say it's bullshit but it's the truth..that was my main reason for using it more in my sets.The bigger ones for me are not as helpful as the 600 on my elbow or wrists.
Just thought it would be worth a mention...tendons needed 7 weeks rest at one point about 2.5 years ago.

I bought a plastic blade trowel oh I dunno... 5 years ago? Didn't find it much cop apart from on uneven surfaces that were going to remain uneven!
I might take a years break and piss off to tenerife.... But Got to work out finances.

All I know is I can't push it too much as both elbows are in pain :(
Not looked at the new Speedskim stuff... Kind of had the idea in my head that plastic will never achieve a flat wall like steel.
I may be behind the times, before I even got to the times!! .......
Am skimming a small house at the moment. The builder and carpenter are doing the plasterboarding. There is 2 walls to be dabed. Not in my price. Builder says u will dab them for me. I say if you have the money I have the time. He says back to me you don't give a f**k about me. I say no I don't. He just started laughing. When he went to an other job I did it for him just because he bought me breakfast this morning. Expensive breakfast lol.
I always figure... If i can do it within my price, and I like the client then I'll do it..... If i dont really like the client, it'll be an additional charge whatever!!