The big launch (2)

why don't you make your tape on rolls like address labels pee[ off in 2 inch strips save f**k**g about with a knife don't forget who gave u that tip when your running about in your roller like Charlie mullins
That's exactly how they are mate?


  • The big launch (2)
    61.8 KB · Views: 158
I was told I couldn't get my idea to a working proto type.
I was told I couldn't get it made without ordering huge amounts.
I was told I couldn't get it protected without a patent solicitor.
I was told I needed to pay a fortune to market it.
I was told I couldn't do my own logo
I was told it wouldn't work
I was told nobody would buy it
Now I am being told I’m a c**t. Would you bet against me Punk?
Again tappy not the betting type, but since it’s you I’ll put my house on it. :love:
Cheers @tapit
I got my roll of tape today. True to your word (y) Damn good of you and not cheap to send.
Be interesting to see what a whole roll will stick.
Shoot me down if im wrong . But if the walls were flat enough for a bead to be held on with a little bit of this tape. Wouldn't a decent fibre tape di the same job.
Or are you talking about using it along the entire length.
Im old school and was always taught to stick beads up as i was about before fibretape existed.
When i do nail beads up i always scrim the edges
Anyway what happened to hook on beads
Shoot me down if im wrong . But if the walls were flat enough for a bead to be held on with a little bit of this tape. Wouldn't a decent fibre tape di the same job.
Or are you talking about using it along the entire length.
Im old school and was always taught to stick beads up as i was about before fibretape existed.
When i do nail beads up i always scrim the edges
Anyway what happened to hook on beads
You're two years too late John. Beads are being taped on, in all corners of the UK.
Consider yourself shot down.