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has anyone elses miss's be kickin off lately, because all you do is drink and on plastering forum allnight and never do the washin up ;D
im in luck she lives with her parents still so i dropped her off at 6 as she has work at 5am, suits me down to the ground! and she left her booze :P
mine never belives me she thinks am talkin to other women if only :D
i get that, she comes and has a sly check up that i aint talkin to 'polly plasterer'..
haha shes here now!!!
ah god my ex! she was a right one, her phone would be beeping all night long and i wouldnt even batter an eyelid! as soon as mine went off "whos that!? who u textin! why?!" etc, and the internet! well shed be there li e a parrot on my shoulder! thank god i got rid of her and got a girlfriend thats the total opposite! trust and respect  :) whats a relationship without it!  :-? ... married life i guess  ;D
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