The Half Time Bucket Test

So I wonder if I use 1 pack to a bag and one coat skim will I get it down to a hour set. Still think it should be only £2 to a 25kg bag tho
Hey Keith I recon the one coater crew (and I mean just one coat) per bag with one sachet in will achieve set and finish at 45-55 minutes, I only 2 coated with same gear as I don't one coat regular and poo my pants when I do, tbh the one coaters will be rocking with this half time it's all normal with the plaster till 30 minutes when the gear is on then it's get your skates on, flatten and finish, first few I'll admit caught me out as I realised 30 minutes you have to be on it or your stuffed
The Half Time Bucket Test
You can get it for 1.60+vat
Where's that mate? On their site it's £29 for 10 sachets.
Hey Keith I recon the one coater crew (and I mean just one coat) per bag with one sachet in will achieve set and finish at 45-55 minutes, I only 2 coated with same gear as I don't one coat regular and poo my pants when I do, tbh the one coaters will be rocking with this half time it's all normal with the plaster till 30 minutes when the gear is on then it's get your skates on, flatten and finish, first few I'll admit caught me out as I realised 30 minutes you have to be on it or your stuffed
What does it look and taste like?
Does it taste salty?
Is it alum?
Hey Keith I recon the one coater crew (and I mean just one coat) per bag with one sachet in will achieve set and finish at 45-55 minutes, I only 2 coated with same gear as I don't one coat regular and poo my pants when I do, tbh the one coaters will be rocking with this half time it's all normal with the plaster till 30 minutes when the gear is on then it's get your skates on, flatten and finish, first few I'll admit caught me out as I realised 30 minutes you have to be on it or your stuffed

That's me sorted then!
i used it on a ceiling yesterday 2 coats took 1 hour 10 from start to finish just remixed second coat a bit wetter as it was going in bucket was nice to trowel
ideal for me as we do lots of bathroom ceilings for a company and fed up of waiting around for stuff to go off
Why would one coat finish quicker than 2 coats of the same gear?

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Hi mate, you make a valid point there , so on guide lines it says one sachet to 12kg of plaster I tried that on 5 mixes sound SETS very fast, then I tried upping the amount of plaster slightly to 3/4 or one full bag always checking time to set and recording set times over different surfaces, boards were consistent set and old reskim surface varied slightly, pva, gyprime, micro 3000 plus obviously the age of surface and conditions in rooms , spoke to the eazymix guy about this and confirmed it's all down to us to use and find out ourselves as the guide on bag is overall guide , so maybe I not be right it set faster with one coat only but hopefully I am.
Tbh really looking forward to everyone's use of it see how everyone gets on.
Used approximately 10 in multi and 10 in board finish and they all came back at average 60 minutes
f**k that. Sure that's a load of b*ll***s. He made a big massive mistake on his pricing that's f**k**g ridiculous. £2 a pack that would do a 25kg bag would be more like it.
Hi clemo it,s mark from eazymix halftime is only £2 per bag from merchants and even cheaper from the one stop plaster shop you can add one bag of halftime to a full bag and it will still set it in just over an hour has been tested so if your skimming a small ceiling just put the extra cost on the job do,nt think £2 makes you l,ose the job
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Where's that mate? On their site it's £29 for 10 sachets.
Hi mark from eazymix you can get halftime cheaper through the one stop plaster shop it is on my site for slightly more but i have to pay postage.still think £2.90 extra on a small job wo,nt lose you the job plaster is cheap if it is a one bag job charge the customer £10 all in for materials you can be on your way home in an hour done and dusted
Hi clemo it,s mark from eazymix halftime is only £2 per bag from merchants and even cheaper from the one stop plaster shop you can add one bag of halftime to a full bag and it will still set it in just over an hour has been tested so if your skimming a small ceiling just put the extra cost on the job do,nt think £2 makes you l,ose the job

You're right there, but I feel you're missing a trick.
Lads on site would use this at their own expense. (More regularly/ more output)
But won't at these prices.

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Hi clemo it,s mark from eazymix halftime is only £2 per bag from merchants and even cheaper from the one stop plaster shop you can add one bag of halftime to a full bag and it will still set it in just over an hour has been tested so if your skimming a small ceiling just put the extra cost on the job do,nt think £2 makes you l,ose the job
That's more like it Mark. Extra time has helped me out b4. But I can really do with halftime a lot more. I'll be buying it at that price
Hi mark from eazymix you can get halftime cheaper through the one stop plaster shop it is on my site for slightly more but i have to pay postage.still think £2.90 extra on a small job wo,nt lose you the job plaster is cheap if it is a one bag job charge the customer £10 all in for materials you can be on your way home in an hour done and dusted
Hi mark, that's fair enough on small jobs it might work out ok? (I will defo give it a go!) I would prefer to use something that's consistent like that all day everyday though? and was just saying at them prices it works out quite a bit extra every day and by the end of the week a lot. I Still know a drop of dirty water will have the same effect on small jobs. By the way I'm guessing you have never done any domestic plastering because I Wish I was in and out of jobs in an hour cause it takes that to sheet up, prep and get tools in and set up alone sometimes!!
Hi mark, that's fair enough on small jobs it might work out ok? (I will defo give it a go!) I would prefer to use something that's consistent like that all day everyday though? and was just saying at them prices it works out quite a bit extra every day and by the end of the week a lot. I Still know a drop of dirty water will have the same effect on small jobs. By the way I'm guessing you have never done any domestic plastering because I Wish I was in and out of jobs in an hour cause it takes that to sheet up, prep and get tools in and set up alone sometimes!!
i know what you mean i am a domestic spread and yea it does take a lot of prep time setting up and cleaning after But can fully trowel up in an hour so a lot quicker
It was common to use it back in the day to gauge your mix, that was before modern plasters came in to get rid of it and give us a near perfect time for drying :)
I meant has anyone used it to speed mixes up like the halftime does
Whatever it is I'm hooked, banged out an artex overskim yesterday knocked off 1 hour to 1.5 hour worth of time on that job, god bless yah
Whatever it is I'm hooked, banged out an artex overskim yesterday knocked off 1 hour to 1.5 hour worth of time on that job, god bless yah

Was that with Unifinish? Is it okay with Unifinish? I've still got 8 bags in the van. And fourteen bags of of browning that's two months out of date.
Was that with Unifinish? Is it okay with Unifinish? I've still got 8 bags in the van. And fourteen bags of of browning that's two months out of date.
No mate it was board finish ,I've not tried it with unifinish yet , omg that would be heaven
Was that with Unifinish? Is it okay with Unifinish? I've still got 8 bags in the van. And fourteen bags of of browning that's two months out of date.
Tried it on board for you mate as a little tester , 2 coats same gear 45 minutes set and done half a bag and one sachet
The Half Time Bucket Test

The Half Time Bucket Test

Not fell off yet
3 normal gauges today all done and dusted.
Now In the interests of research and also me quite liking money I'm going to be a lab rat/greedy bstard and spin a fourth gauge with a couple of satchets of secret sauce in.
It could go right tits up :frenetico:but he who dares and all that...
The Half Time Bucket Test
3 normal gauges today all done and dusted.
Now In the interests of research and also me quite liking money I'm going to be a lab rat/greedy bstard and spin a fourth gauge with a couple of satchets of secret sauce in.
It could go right tits up :frenetico:but he who dares and all that...
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Prob best to have some wraps of amphetamine handy too in case it goes tits up , and YouTube it too :sorprendido3::reloco: