The master

Only in the very short term shouldn't embark upon 'a diet' that you don't intend to keep up forever...else when you go back to your old ways, you go back to your old weight. What you have to do is find a diet that you can stay on for keeps.

Mind, I can talk...I eat perfectly if you don't count gallons and gallons of Guinness.
My diet is good just now and I’m training 4/5 times a week. My diet is predominantly low carb as it is again because of my stomach problems but cutting them completely does help me shift the weight and after a few weeks off it I’ll go back to my low carb diet and keep training and hopefully keep losing the weight. I see it more as a kick start.
Tis true kind of.

Trouble is body turns carbs to sugar which is bad if too many carbs or easy carbs like processed food.

Your body will burn fat as energy which is where the Keto diet comes in so some would say you would be better off having some bacon with your eggs over bread.

I just think natural and everything in moderation .....except beer and red wine.
My diet is good just now and I’m training 4/5 times a week. My diet is predominantly low carb as it is again because of my stomach problems but cutting them completely does help me shift the weight and after a few weeks off it I’ll go back to my low carb diet and keep training and hopefully keep losing the weight. I see it more as a kick start.

Just watch tho as can crash you, take it you carb up on training day?
You need some carbs tho right, for energy?

I'm a sucker for pasta and bread. How the f**k can i eat 5 eggs without toast.

It’s hard to start with but believe me after 4/5 days you feel great. Sleep improves, mood improves and you have a lot more energy. My downfall is the wife though, she lives on carbs, if she makes a healthy spag boll she has to stick garlic bread in the oven, when I say to her she says well don’t eat it but once you smell that garlic that’s it.
At the gym now but not training, just going for a sauna. First week back and done all my muscle groups and I’m really sore, can hardly walk after legs yesterday.
My diet is good just now and I’m training 4/5 times a week. My diet is predominantly low carb as it is again because of my stomach problems but cutting them completely does help me shift the weight and after a few weeks off it I’ll go back to my low carb diet and keep training and hopefully keep losing the weight. I see it more as a kick start.
So what do you actually eat?
If you was eating just natural food you would very rarely ever come into contact with high carb food. Nearly all high carb food is unatural and processed in some way.

Corn/wheat was originally a protein seed like most other grasses. But requirements have produced a grain that is mostly carbs. Then we process it and refine it. So we have a product (bread) which is over 60% carbs.

Compare that to a spud which is one of the highest carbs of the vegetables at 16%.