The MyBuilder experience

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I started a job yesterday that I got from twitter which is a first for me, I got a message asking if I still did plastering etc from someone random I thought it very weird at the time
Does anyone use facebook or is it just full of wankers like I imagine it would be?
Does any1 have that trust mark and is it nicm? We was guns go with the quoted us a stupid amount and it just seemed there wanted to get money from us..there said ur contact information gets passed around to local builders etc who are registered with trust mark etc just wondered wether it was worth it as 1 builder til me not to bother with it he said he's got nowt from it I know its not really a advertising tool but its more of a stamp to say uve got all h&s etc and makes u look more professional just wondered wether it was worth it
Does any1 have that trust mark and is it nicm? We was guns go with the quoted us a stupid amount and it just seemed there wanted to get money from us..there said ur contact information gets passed around to local builders etc who are registered with trust mark etc just wondered wether it was worth it as 1 builder til me not to bother with it he said he's got nowt from it I know its not really a advertising tool but its more of a stamp to say uve got all h&s etc and makes u look more professional just wondered wether it was worth it

Dont count for much but I had an extension and made sure they had trust mark....i think he appeared in a special list of trust marked builders that my local council had put together.
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seo - is a bit dated now - Google & search engines read "content" now as opposed to Meta Tags & the like - A Grab Line is good to have on your website , as it's the first phrase which is read - I have built my own & don't need to adjust it , it's a small easy site & not over complicated - it ranks page one in my area I wish to work ( I'm not much of a traveller for work ) I usually stay in my village & borough

lol :D Way more to SEO than that :D
Dont count for much but I had an extension and made sure they had trust mark....i think he appeared in a special list of trust marked builders that my local council had put together.
Thing is with that trust mark etc is all we had to do was show proof of insurance and sum1 wud meet us on site to look at work which could be any1s work as there said there cud meet on a past project we did just thought with that there was just after my hard earned dosh think it was about £900 there wanted
lol :D Way more to SEO than that :D
seo - did use - meta tags - relevant key words etc - it has changed from this to content reading of a web is my understanding - back links , having a google place listing etc yes far to much to go into detail ,
Thing is with that trust mark etc is all we had to do was show proof of insurance and sum1 wud meet us on site to look at work which could be any1s work as there said there cud meet on a past project we did just thought with that there was just after my hard earned dosh think it was about £900 there wanted

Yeah a lot of money if it could be dead duck....
Yeah a lot of money if it could be dead duck....

Im sure I read at the time if you get reported too much for dodgy work you loose the trust mark...remember thinking it encouraged the builderr to maintain a certain standard....and to be fair he was very good.
seo - did use - meta tags - relevant key words etc - it has changed from this to content reading of a web is my understanding - back links , having a google place listing etc yes far to much to go into detail ,
All that sounds like mumbo jumbo to me! Not the computer type as you can see
Im sure I read at the time if you get reported too much for dodgy work you loose the trust mark...remember thinking it encouraged the builderr to maintain a certain standard....and to be fair he was very good.
Ye if you get reported u can lose the logo or you get suspended till there investigate a builder I know got suspended for 6 months whilst there investigated the bad review which was false or sumat so there give him logo back
seo - did use - meta tags - relevant key words etc - it has changed from this to content reading of a web is my understanding - back links , having a google place listing etc yes far to much to go into detail ,
Without going into too much detail there are over 300 different ranking factors... most likely the reason why most people think it's easy because the keywords are not competitive

Everyone with a website becomes an expert with seo but it goes way way way way deeper than most could ever imagine.

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All that sounds like mumbo jumbo to me! Not the computer type as you can see
Without going into too much detail there are over 300 different ranking factors... most likely the reason why most people think it's easy because the keywords are not competitive

Everyone with a website becomes an expert with seo but it goes way way way way deeper than most could ever imagine.

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i suppose for me as I've always built my own webs for a good few years , as long as I shown on the first page of google in a generic search ie (just a example )"plastering accrington " I'm happy I do remember building webs with the emphasis on meta tags since googles panda update it has helped those webs with better content
i suppose for me as I've always built my own webs for a good few years , as long as I shown on the first page of google in a generic search ie (just a example )"plastering accrington " I'm happy I do remember building webs with the emphasis on meta tags since googles panda update it has helped those webs with better content

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Without going into too much detail there are over 300 different ranking factors... most likely the reason why most people think it's easy because the keywords are not competitive

Everyone with a website becomes an expert with seo but it goes way way way way deeper than most could ever imagine.

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Lads I think u need to start a new thread on this stuff lol..we are plasterers for fck sake I still cnt get a profile pic up
Lads I think u need to start a new thread on this stuff lol..we are plasterers for fck sake I still cnt get a profile pic up
Haha totally the wrong forum to get into seo and marketing :-) i can talk about it a lot but it would bore 99% of people to tears :-)

I use to be able to build a site in a competitive niche and have it tanked first page for competitive terns inside a couple of weeks... I made a fortune doing it....

It is still doable but way too many factors and the seo game has changed drastically for the better

Content has and will always be king but there are a lot of other things to do to make it better and stick about for longer ;-)

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Haha totally the wrong forum to get into seo and marketing :) i can talk about it a lot but it would bore 99% of people to tears :)

I use to be able to build a site in a competitive niche and have it tanked first page for competitive terns inside a couple of weeks... I made a fortune doing it....

It is still doable but way too many factors and the seo game has changed drastically for the better

Content has and will always be king but there are a lot of other things to do to make it better and stick about for longer ;-)

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@ danny when you say content will always be king what do you mean?
Haha totally the wrong forum to get into seo and marketing :-) i can talk about it a lot but it would bore 99% of people to tears :-)

I use to be able to build a site in a competitive niche and have it tanked first page for competitive terns inside a couple of weeks... I made a fortune doing it....

It is still doable but way too many factors and the seo game has changed drastically for the better

Content has and will always be king but there are a lot of other things to do to make it better and stick about for longer ;-)

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Ur just taking piss now Danny..that sounded like rocket science u was just rambling on about haha f**k me computer s**t isn't my bag
Danny could you get me number 1 so when people type "porn" into google my site pops up?
I think key phrases help on your adverts especially on domestics like "special rates for GILFS and MILFS" "short of the necessary funds to have your job done? We accept s*x and alcohol as part payment" just make sure its not John Wayne Gacey or Jeffrey Dahmer or Dennis Nielsen who books your services :eek:
I think key phrases help on your adverts especially on domestics like "special rates for GILFS and MILFS" "short of the necessary funds to have your job done? We accept s*x and alcohol as part payment" just make sure its not John Wayne Gacey or Jeffrey Dahmer or Dennis Nielsen who books your services :eek:
Ben dover?
You lot are over think this plastering malarkey.
If your good at your job the work will come to you.
Queuing up for jobs like a auction is for jokers.

Unfortunately Bobby you've got to move with the times, word of mouth is good and we get work through it, but living in a city such as Sheffield and how the Internet has grown and how lazy people have become it's easier to just google something, plus people are more private now and especially around here don't talk Turkey over the garden fence.

Websites are good but they can cost, I got stung for over £200 per months for 3 months for link building which I figured out myself and with a little advice off Danny managed to push it up Google myself.

If your patient and have a bit of money to invest a website can bring you 200/300 times what you pay a year 3/4 years down the line, but naivety can cost you as it did me.
This is why I'm looking at mybuilder to see what the turnover vs lead buying could bring.

If we could do £50,000 from buying £1000 of leads a year it's money not to turn your nose up at

On the other hand if it was £5000 for £1000 of leads then I don't think we'd be interested
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