Well-Known Member
It is becoming fairly common these days for me to receive calls regarding bad rendering, performed by someone who doesn't know, or hasn't took the time to learn how to use these modern renders we now see.
With 100s of bags of k-rend, parex and weber all available readily within a 2/3 mile radius of where I'm sat, to any Tom dick or Harry, is there any wonder.
I'm all for products being readily available, but these companies and merchants will sell to anyone.
I had some details passed onto me from a rep regarding a job I may be interested in, so after recieving details of this customer I gave him a call, we spoke about the job he wanted doing which was to hack off 10mm of weber pral m that was a month old and re-render.
This is becoming more and more common, I'm not claiming to be the worlds best, not even the best in my region, I still make mistakes, have the odd bump, miss and halo in my work, nothing major, nothing the customer can see, but how I see some jobs that just make me shudder, what I do know is how to use the products I'm using, something that a lot of work I see suggests others don't.
I've only spoken to 1 rep who mentioned they cared about who they sold their products too, "we don't want to sell it just to anyone" which was nice to hear.
Anyway back to this job, I visited the guy to view the work, fook me, the worst, the fooking worst I've seen, top of a house side and back possibly about 30/40m2, the only thing that was correct about the job was he'd managed to apply it to the correct address and area, the rest, well, fooking disgusting is an understatement.
I'll put picture up after I finish writing due to images being on my phone.
Beading, what beading, none existent, mesh, no mesh, any primer or base coat, I'd hazard a good guess at probably fooking not.
The chap who owned the property, recently purchased, must have sunk 50k into an extension, new kitchen etc etc, decided to "sort the materials out" only he didn't have the knowledge to by 'all the materials'
The rendering was paid for due to the guy being away and not being able to check the work properly, only when he returned he saw it didn't look right, so got a weber rep out, the rep advised him it had been scratched too early and questioned the beading, or rather lack of them.
The 'renderer' had his cash and had gone.
I can understand manufacturers wanting their products out there, but will there ever be any control over who they sell too, or is it just sell as much as we can.
Are we going down the same route as plastering, where some jack of all, in a Ford Fiesta is outside a merchants filling up with said renders, the difference being a wall can be re-skimmed for very little cost, a bad panel of render can cost thousands, when you factor in extra materials, hacking off, labour and scaffold if needed.
Are we going to see any regulation in who these products are sold too?
The customer and the renderer who did said job deserve all they get, apart from the renderer being paid but I'm sure his reputation will be tarnished by such a beaut of a job which he left.
I see so many poor jobs now, hear of daft prices being charged, I think in 10 years the rendering industry will be on par with plastering, dogshit.
Get as much as you can while it's good, because it's not going to stay this way for long
With 100s of bags of k-rend, parex and weber all available readily within a 2/3 mile radius of where I'm sat, to any Tom dick or Harry, is there any wonder.
I'm all for products being readily available, but these companies and merchants will sell to anyone.
I had some details passed onto me from a rep regarding a job I may be interested in, so after recieving details of this customer I gave him a call, we spoke about the job he wanted doing which was to hack off 10mm of weber pral m that was a month old and re-render.
This is becoming more and more common, I'm not claiming to be the worlds best, not even the best in my region, I still make mistakes, have the odd bump, miss and halo in my work, nothing major, nothing the customer can see, but how I see some jobs that just make me shudder, what I do know is how to use the products I'm using, something that a lot of work I see suggests others don't.
I've only spoken to 1 rep who mentioned they cared about who they sold their products too, "we don't want to sell it just to anyone" which was nice to hear.
Anyway back to this job, I visited the guy to view the work, fook me, the worst, the fooking worst I've seen, top of a house side and back possibly about 30/40m2, the only thing that was correct about the job was he'd managed to apply it to the correct address and area, the rest, well, fooking disgusting is an understatement.
I'll put picture up after I finish writing due to images being on my phone.
Beading, what beading, none existent, mesh, no mesh, any primer or base coat, I'd hazard a good guess at probably fooking not.
The chap who owned the property, recently purchased, must have sunk 50k into an extension, new kitchen etc etc, decided to "sort the materials out" only he didn't have the knowledge to by 'all the materials'
The rendering was paid for due to the guy being away and not being able to check the work properly, only when he returned he saw it didn't look right, so got a weber rep out, the rep advised him it had been scratched too early and questioned the beading, or rather lack of them.
The 'renderer' had his cash and had gone.
I can understand manufacturers wanting their products out there, but will there ever be any control over who they sell too, or is it just sell as much as we can.
Are we going down the same route as plastering, where some jack of all, in a Ford Fiesta is outside a merchants filling up with said renders, the difference being a wall can be re-skimmed for very little cost, a bad panel of render can cost thousands, when you factor in extra materials, hacking off, labour and scaffold if needed.
Are we going to see any regulation in who these products are sold too?
The customer and the renderer who did said job deserve all they get, apart from the renderer being paid but I'm sure his reputation will be tarnished by such a beaut of a job which he left.
I see so many poor jobs now, hear of daft prices being charged, I think in 10 years the rendering industry will be on par with plastering, dogshit.
Get as much as you can while it's good, because it's not going to stay this way for long