its a s**t heap
snap that up, good money for a hassle free sale. you aint even got to clean it.i just looked on that webuyanyvan and from the info i put in it said they would offer £1240 + vat :-0
i just looked on that webuyanyvan and from the info i put in it said they would offer £1240 + vat :-0
I got offered £1600 from the online valuation on we buy any van. You can only imagine my disappointment when i drove it 2 hours to the nearest office, waited almost an hour to be seen, for them to offer £900. And that was them doing me a favour apparently
Is it fcuk you can tell a person by how clean their van isbetter than your G** little fiat
i hope you had a s**t on the door step!!
Is it fcuk you can tell a person by how clean their van is