Thin coat rendering corses

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New Member
I been searching the Internet for thin coat render corses and can't find much, so was wondering if anyone knew of an decent training corses around?

Sto? What's that? I've looked at pro rend they say there going to start training corses for there thin coat product but they haven't got anything running yet.
weber got an external insulation courses that cover thin coat as well , but tbh mate if your a competant spread you wont need a course.
They are doing sto on the site im on ,theres not much to it really but they reckon they earn well out of it , seems good business sense to me how sto operate
Yeah am a compatent spread but I want to no a bit about there products and certificated won't be a bad thing ether.
if you get in contact with a supplyer weber,pro rend, alumasc,parex etc they should put you on the right path
you have to do the course with sto to be able to buy the product......... anyone can buy marmorit,webber thin coat systems but they offer no guarantee unless you have had their training
all u need to know with thincoat systems is to scrape it on as tight as you can get it... then scrape off some more and when rubbing it up take anymore excess off with plastic float... as for Sto they told me to many applicators and not enough work for them at the moment
merlin said:
to be sto approved they told us we needed to be good for 30k worth of credit,
sounds like sto that - where does the quality of work come in to that equation? trying to be the aristocrats of ewi.
R SPRED where you based? there are loads of products equally as good as sto that offer training to contractors if you have a contract worth a few quid otherwise you will have to pay for the course I am afraid.
Muck in with a gang on tools for free thats what I always say - you will learn more in half a week than on the course
i have loads of this work in the pipeline and will happilly let newbies have a shot for free so long as they can use a handboard and trowel
you may av missed the boat in bristol over the last two years there av been loads of EWI jobs but dont know about now
I have been on the SAS Europe course. As i remember you have to do the solid render course first before you can do the ewi course. Was £180i nc vat but not a bad day out. Weber in Flintwick Bedfordshire was the same price but the better of the two. There are free courses if you shop around but usually to existing customers.
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