s.p.t plastering said:Theres no way they can look top notch..
And i'm quite quick, and i would not atempt 2 rooms in a day, 1 average room i normally do on my own, and that's going some, 3 sets, plus preping and cleaning.
And i charge between £250-£300 and evan that is to cheap.
And i normally like to work wet angles, how can you push the beads on as your frist coating?
spunky said:where do you lads mix when youre doing domestic outside or in the room ?..........i like it when you get little square bathroom, one set 100 quid..........then it starts (french word)ing down outside and have to take all the kit into that little room and mix in there too
terry said:- my quality is topper notch than most, plus they've got loads of pictures going back up so most the Walls won't be seen.
lolol ive heard it all now.i will try to remember what walls have pictures on in future so i can one coat them all for 20 quid.
i dont no if you have much of your income going out on a family and morgage ect.it sounds like you dont need to earn a lot perhaps just beer money but spreads like you nisus are making it harder for me
spunky said:;D ;D..................i reskimmed a lounge plus a landing and filled and sanded bad bits in the hall for 160 last week ...........personally i was well chuffed ....site prices arent worth a wank ;D
im earning 70-80 a day on site ....show me the money ;Drichardbrown said:spunky said:;D ;D..................i reskimmed a lounge plus a landing and filled and sanded bad bits in the hall for 160 last week ...........personally i was well chuffed ....site prices arent worth a wank ;D
you are a penis then
napper83 said:so what if the likes of him are pushing prices down?? its a business you earn what you want to earn if your happy doing 10 hours for £180 then so be it and if you cant get work at your own prices then you need to look at them prices or the quality/speed of your work.
and doing a room say 40 mtrs in 1 spread isnt killing yourself if you want to take it easy have a 5 cuppas a day and an hour for your dinner then so be it but dont complain when someone who actually wants to work a full day for a reasonable price gets your next job
but are you taking the (french word) nisus it does seem cheap ;D ;D ;D
oasis said:was ganna say! there is a ad in the town next door sayin rooms skimed for £80 +materials