This time every year....

Had one tonight. Told him I'm flat out next week. What about week after it Christmas that week sorry to tell you lol
Had the same call tonight only need you for a couple of days other plasterer has let me down i was told
Told him to ring me in Jan 2020. :fuckyou:
Vermen there are..I bet there all hippies and there go to work on a bike! Guaranteed or and I bet none of them work whilst I'm on it
Mate I saw a lot of them when I was up in town one day when they were climate protesting. I’d say 80% of them live in mummy and daddy’s Surrey pile riding their fold up bikes and eating falafel whilst spending the trust fund. Lazy f**k**s need a bit of meter age per day to sort them out
Mate I saw a lot of them when I was up in town one day when they were climate protesting. I’d say 80% of them live in mummy and daddy’s Surrey pile riding their fold up bikes and eating falafel whilst spending the trust fund. Lazy f**k**s need a bit of meter age per day to sort them out
Yep,get them lashed on site at £850 per plot :LOL:
I****n at shop round corner wants me to squeeze his in
This time every year....
Your that gobby u could have a argument with your self u old cannnnt
Go away ritch cant be arsed with you anymore you've got the personality of a way to deal with people with nothing about them or have no personality is just ignore them..god help ur missus if you have shes bored of life being with you..your soooooo boring and dull
Go away ritch cant be arsed with you anymore you've got the personality of a way to deal with people with nothing about them or have no personality is just ignore them..god help ur missus if you have shes bored of life being with you..your soooooo boring and dull
Feck off u old board monkey , keep chucking up slabs for 2pence a board u fake plasterer , lol
Feck off u old board monkey , keep chucking up slabs for 2pence a board u fake plasterer , lol
Board monkey :LOL:
You've got carys on here bless him hes not the brightest of them so dont really get stuck into him..then theres you..probably worst personality on here..soooooo boring...only people on here who's opinion dsnt matter to me..I dont think 1 person on here thinks your ok ritch..maybe 1 but not more than 1..if any1 likes ritch on here reply to this or am I missing sumat :hola: