Timber frame coated in a spraying cement render


New Member
Looking at buying a house but survey has bought this up...Please can someone explain the benefits of this, lifespan compared to bricks as not sure where to look
Bricks & mother imo cannot be beaten..

Cladding, render etc is all perishable and eventually needs replacing and maintenance
How old is the property? What method has the render been applied?

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To be fair, you need more information than just that....

What build up of cladding is on the timber frame? (insulation and render? board and render? expanded metal lath and render? block and render?)

There are some very good rendered cladding systems for use on timber frames that have BBA, and other have other 3rd party accreditation, that with general and simple maintenance will last up to 60 years (BBA advance age systems to a minimum 30 years)

See if you can get more information ... who built it? (known house builder or self builder?) what does it look like now? How old is it? Etc...

There is a lot of experienced guys on here who can assist and comment, but if you can get more specific information, you could track back to the system supplier and get formal advice

Good luck