To bead or not to bead, that is the quest


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To bead or not to bead, that is the quest

Hi all. I’m boarding/framing around my Velux and getting it ready for the plasterer to come and skim later.
Should I be placing a thin coat stop bead against the actual window frame opposite the angle beads or is it not necessary? Thanks.
Wont do any harm but I never do


  • To bead or not to bead, that is the quest
    669.8 KB · Views: 342
The advantage of not putting them on is that if the profile reveals of the velux aren't parallel these can be straightened by the spread , he can bed in stop ends to sort this
You are unwise to fit beads , the plasterer may not be pleased at your efforts to save just a few quid
To bead or not to bead, that is the quest

Bits of scrim lifting by the bead - cut it off or push it down or it will ping through the finish. What the white gunk on the bead - decorators caulk?
I thought it would help the plasterer to have them in place ready for skimming but if it’s sh1te then fair enough. Ps I’m not ‘the’ builder I’m doing the best I can out of necessity to keep costs down. Wouldn’t dream of trying to skim it though you guys make it look easy but it’s not!
Me to. I.m a hour and ten away . Send some better pics and might be able to price. Not travelling that far to price though
Thanks but nowhere near ready yet. Only boarded the sloping ceiling so far. Rest of room is just a shell at the moment.
Teacb me . I.d love a day with perfect pete.
Bloke whos running that job with solo said decorator will make walls good . I said be quicker to reskim em lol
I get that all the time with customers wanting me to patch up holes thinking it's easier....f**k off. By the time I've looked for every ding and pinhole and filled them twice and sanded, could have skimmed it and the job be perfect