I dont know, yes i agree that if there is ample evidence like video evidence or something very strong that theyll never get off. Resaon being, theres been cases here in ireland where kids have lied about older men doing hings to them. We know of a case in belfast, this guy was accused of raping this young girl. Ended up losing his job, went to jail and destroied his life. Turns out the f**k**g mother coaxed her into doing it because she didnt like him. What if he lived in america under trumps laws. He'd be dead. Another few cases here in southern ireland where this girl was drunk one night, kissed this very unpopular boy, next day he gets arrested for attempted rape. Locals get him and beat f**k out of him and he dies. Few years later, this girl told another friend while drunk she only made it up because she didnt want anyone knowing she was with him. Another one i read on the internet about a taxi driver picked up this girl, drove her home and she was very pleasent in the taxi and drunk. Next few days, hes arrested for attempted rape. Lost his job, beat f**k out of and run out of town. Took forever for the real story to come out. He had his iphone recording every sound in the taxi and proved he was innocent. Theres some sick f**k**s out there wholl say anything for fame, money or any kind of attention and this could lead to some poor innocent f**k*r getting the eletric chair. Dont get me wrong, i agree, all peados should be hung, drawn and quatered but you just cant go giving people death sentences these days because they could well be innocent.