TPF beat the bookies 2

TPF beat the bookies 2
What a goal.
My turn to pick the bet tomorrow

Or maybe start looking at mine mate, we’d be at 6k ages ago with mine lol

Even tonights one got ignored looking good. Corners in. Just need 1 more goal n city to keep winning. 45 mins left. Paid £2000. Would have brought back to where we was
I think it went downhil when we started flapping and putting lesser amounts on , thus having to take more chances, exactly as I predicted.

We need to stick to 1 game per bet. And just keep going until hit 6k. Or even go for 3k and have 500 each for crimbo then go again for the 6,, depends on what we all think.
Agreed. I really fancied West ham at the weekend but we can't all have our bets. Just a pisser when the game your not worried about trips you up

still time tho mate. ya never know.

just pick a single game bet(s) and take a turn each now i think
Best way to do it is to take turns, everyone’s throwing bets in and I’ve no idea which ones To put on.

Yeah so the rules are (if we all agree?) 1 game per bet, so can do them bet builders if want. but 1 game.

We put the lot on each bet until we hit 3k? and we have 500 each for crimbo.

Then go again for 6k

We can do salad spinner and sort the order out.

sound ok?