Travelling Spread!

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Hello from me! Just discovered this forum and am looking forward to having a good gander and rendering (geddit?) any advice. Me name's Mark, I have over thirty year's experience in the trade and I travel all over the UK using my campervan to live in when away from home.........currently looking for work up to Christmas if anyone should need a hand.
Hello from me! Just discovered this forum and am looking forward to having a good gander and rendering (geddit?) any advice. Me name's Mark, I have over thirty year's experience in the trade and I travel all over the UK using my campervan to live in when away from home.........currently looking for work up to Christmas if anyone should need a hand.


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Ah I get it now....nothing as adventurous I'm afraid. Cos I live in Cornwall there isn't enough to go around in the winter so I use the jobcentre website where most of the agencies put up their work and I go wherever they send me. Having the camper means I don't usually have to fork out for digs cos quite often I can stay on site and plug into their electric.
Subbing his work out from afar does seem to be a bit daft though.
welcome buddy, why was it that on the littlest hobo the dog would just do one at the end!? :RpS_confused:
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