trowelling up process

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Just over 165 sqm a day go kitchy I thought Leeds was full of students maybe these students have really big rooms to sleep in now I don't think I do 40 sqm a week let alone 165 a day
Just to add @ lodan when your feeling More confident....

A good little tip is to try and have a few different areas on the go but only very small manageable amounts and get into the habit of mixing up and laying Gear on in between trowels some areas may be on there 1st coat, some 2 and some wet trowel and so on...

As a quick starting point to which you can't f**k up would be next time your 2nd coating an area knowingly mix a bit more up and 1 st coat a little wall etc...doesn't matter if you don't top that area for couple of hrs providing its flattened off and edges are left tidy etc...

Your then already a good hour plus up on your day etc
As u said there stick another first coat and leave it for a few hours i take it u give the wAll spray of water b4 2nd coating
As u said there stick another first coat and leave it for a few hours i take it u give the wAll spray of water b4 2nd coating
@zombie If you do that can you then just second coat and done? Even if you left it for a few hours? thats brand new on my but sounds an awesome tip if thats case...
@zombie If you do that can you then just second coat and done? Even if you left it for a few hours? thats brand new on my but sounds an awesome tip if thats case...

Yes pal within reason...

However if you've ever troweled up a wall and not happy and its closed in then re PVA.
@Lodan , there's loads of ways to do it as you know. Use any part of anybody's method to make up your "own" method. Experiment with small walls, perhaps leave a wall 1st coated and flattened, let it nearly "turn" then 2nd coat, don't panic, you'll trowel in the 2nd coat lovely......this will show you how far you can go before it's truly gone off and you have to pva it.
I'm using board finish on awkward walls and ceilings, it's cold in the building and I've found the easiest way to put on a decent hit, is to mix up a bag, cover scrim and dub beads and linings, flatten with my speedy, mix up another bag, stick some more on, flatten and wash up. Tidy and brush in all corners edges etc, speedskim again. Rest. Drink tea.
Mix up another bag.......2nd coat everything neatly. Wash up. Speedskim again, twitch and tidy edges etc. Then I trowel everything with my nela mediflex. That works out as three speeds and one trowel. I barely use water at all. On domestics (tomorrow) I am all over @zombie 's methods........
@Lodan , just one more thing.......paint changes everything. I had done a nice tidy set on boards a few weeks ago, then decided I had enough time to put on a bit more in order to "break up" a room to make the next day's work easier.......disaster!.... too cold for it to set well, too thick as well. Kicked myself, and was prepared to reskim it if was a shocker........had to leave it "wet", flat and filled in ok though, but still "wet"......forgot all about it, it was painted today and looks great. The moral is......if it's flat and filled, it's doesn't have to be silky and shiny.
Stress not, everything can be reskimmed.
Btw....don't fear the speedy....makes lines= too soon, removes lines = right time
Leaves smooth = easy life.
Quality work that scottie5,what's your process?

theres no 2 pallets of finish seem to be the same at the moment but in an ideal world.

i fill board tapers.
2 coats.
speedskim a couple of times.
then 1or2 passes with a mediflex depending on how the gears behaving then 1 dry cross/polish.
Throw the room on f**k all that flattening in bolloks tell the customer they better get a belt sander and while there at it get your cash to.
theres no 2 pallets of finish seem to be the same at the moment but in an ideal world.

i fill board tapers.
2 coats.
speedskim a couple of times.
then 1or2 passes with a mediflex depending on how the gears behaving then 1 dry cross/polish.
Tried this method today,how do fill any misses you may have?i find the super flex trowels don't take anything off to fill misses out or do you do it with the speed skim?
Tried this method today,how do fill any misses you may have?i find the super flex trowels don't take anything off to fill misses out or do you do it with the speed skim?

I always keep a small amount of gear out if i need any :D I never use what i take off the the surface to fill in :D
Do you always have the uniform flawless finish on whatever you skim onto with this method?

it all dries the same in the end no matter what the background.
after a couple of passes with the speedskim there shouldn't be any misses to take out except maybe the odd dink here or there which I'd just scrape a tiny bit of the skirting line to use for filling these.

pic 1 laid in.

trowelling up process

pic 2 taken after 2 passes with the speedskim.
shouldn't be that much left to do twitch angles 2 dry passes with the s*p*r*lex.
trowelling up process

pic 3 finished.
trowelling up process
Layed on today using nela premium, 2nd coat with mediflex, brushed in corners/edges then speedskim till finished. Lovely job easily completed. My shoulder lurrrrves my speedskims.....
Layed on today using nela premium, 2nd coat with mediflex, brushed in corners/edges then speedskim till finished. Lovely job easily completed. My shoulder lurrrrves my speedskims.....

anything that takes the pressures of the joints is good in my opinion
No water with the sexflex scottie5? Do you find trowel or speedskim direction alters finish? Or any old way. Cheers

Don't think the direction makes much difference flat is flat.
Try and use little or no water with the flex in fact if you give the blade a wipe with a damp micro fibre cloth every 2nd or 3rd stroke it'll leave a pretty flawless finish