
Just built this recessed wall all for my 50-inch TV it's going to have a rolling photo collage over the front, my TV is going to be 1300 mm to the bottom of the TV
It would look s*** though no a wall mounted TV 3 ft high
And this is why no TV should be wall mounted lol. Go round my mates house, TV nearly on the ceiling and I always think you bloody idiot. Looks good but awful to watch
Peasants with you 50 in tvs belongs in the skip. I’d make sure it’s high enough so little fingers can’t get it.
We got em on walls in bedrooms and kitchen. Makes better use of space but on stand in lounge
People seem to put TVs at sensible heights in bedrooms and 2 foot to high in living rooms for some reason
Need help wot height should tv go on chimney breast wall.its 3metres from wall. 50" tv at the moment it's 1500mm to the top .wife says it's too low.possible divorce on the cards. Help
1200 off floor to centre, that’s from an av guy, it works for me anyway