two spreads

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skim wise im doin bout 30 boards a day on average. 2 hits a day. could prob do more coz its so bloody cold in the house, no heating. once flattened were watching it for bout half hour. so 2 people double that i spose
with the mp, do u spray, rule, spat, sponge, first trowel, then spray again,. then trowel first hit again while waiting for 2nd hit?
once its firmed up, like when ur gonna devil float, u spat at 90degrees to the wall to sorta scrape a thin skin off the top which takes out the lines u leave with ruling, and opens it up. then leave bit longer, sponge, leave, trowel
spunky said:
ive done 130m in a set with another bloke before ;D ;D.........go on call me names :-*

sorry mate id ont belive ya im fast and the most i can get on in my own is 55 60 metres of skim them second and finish up there is noway u can do 130 a hit unless its a 130 m wall on plasterboard imn one straight line then its is possible i think u should be banned for bullshitten DANY .... DANNNY where are u.... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
steve cov said:
no, 3 25kg bags. you can see the board through the skimming...

i used to use 3 bags per hit 3 hits a day 6 days a week and sleep all sunday, when people say you cant always get loads on, bulls hit! you just break it up, couple of big walls, dining room ceiling and a bit under the stairs, just get the lab to do the on suites ;)
georgemealy75 said:
spunky said:
ive done 130m in a set with another bloke before ;D ;D.........go on call me names :-*

sorry mate id ont belive ya im fast and the most i can get on in my own is 55 60 metres of skim them second and finish up there is noway u can do 130 a hit unless its a 130 m wall on plasterboard imn one straight line then its is possible i think u should be banned for bull(german word)ten DANY .... DANNNY where are u.... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
2 rooms ceilings, walls, abutments 70m in each we couldnt do one wall cause the reveals werent in 14 bags :-*
im on site doing flats and their is 2 of us both good spreads (i like to think)
there are lots of fiddly bits, boxings and bulkheads but i would say if we do 3 hits we put on about 100m2 - 140m2 between us 50 - 70 each.
im not the fastest, my mate isn't either but we feel if we go any faster we will either f**k up and have to snag or be bolloxed by wednesday. may aswell just take your time and do a good job. moneys nit brilliant but i have been on site for 5 months and should be going next job so it cant be a bad approach to work
the bloke who used to be my bosses partner, bloke called fred, a jock, as far as i was told, would put a couple of bag lid on, float all the walls while troweling up, then set all the walls while the labourer brought the screed in, and he was lay the screeds round the room while troweling, then lay the floor. and sometimes they would do a job on the way home
did he stick a roller up his arse and paint the walls while he was bending over doing the screed?
nick0412 said:
the bloke who used to be my bosses partner, bloke called fred, a jock, as far as i was told, would put a couple of bag lid on, float all the walls while troweling up, then set all the walls while the labourer brought the screed in, and he was lay the screeds round the room while troweling, then lay the floor. and sometimes they would do a job on the way home

i notice you sad USED to be your bosses partner, what happened did he die?
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