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Hi Guys
I have a tyrolean patch abouth the size of a foot and i was wondering if there is a quick way to do this rathe than the scratch, top and tyrolean?? any advice would be most gratefull and also the customer dont want to buy a bag of tyrolean so was wondering weather i could use sand & cement!
Is it coloured Tyrolean or painted?

You could do it all coats in a day but you wall have to tell the customer he risks it cracking.

Give him the options.

And yes you can mix your own up 3:1 bit of plasticiser nice and wet like piss.
Its painted pal, its a shop front i was going to scratch it one day then top and tyro the next thought may get away with that!! :$
Av done tyrolean with S&C before when the customer was a tight arse. If its only a patch do it in a day, scratch in the morning tyro the afternoon.
What size is the foot???:RpS_laugh:
Tyrolean is between £15 and £23 a bag depending where you go. Do it in s&c. If there is plenty of background suction then you could do it in a day. If not let it dry first. plastering sand 4 to 1 cement. A bit of febmix would help.
Got small section to do as well, about 6' x 2', going to do it in s&c. The house is tyrolened but painted to hell so will be easy enough as it'll be painted as well.
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