Monkey Boy
Well-Known Member
There is a London prices threador the hookers
stuck in limbo here
how much is big ol bag of coke in London now
cheaper than sniffing petrol
There is a London prices threador the hookers
stuck in limbo here
how much is big ol bag of coke in London now
cheaper than sniffing petrol
Got told today russia been using bombs that are band by Geneva wats it's name. How mads that. Rules of war so you only use good bombs it's like saying no punching in face
Bullseye a popor the hookers
stuck in limbo here
how much is big ol bag of coke in London now
cheaper than sniffing petrol
Bullseye a pop
Ukrainian farmers have the second biggest tank regiment in Europe now !
View attachment 68685
You can’t stab someone with a rusty bayonet, or shoot someone as they descend by parachute.Got told today russia been using bombs that are band by Geneva wats it's name. How mads that. Rules of war so you only use good bombs it's like saying no punching in face