just wondering tommy, bein a site bloke / house basher, what methods are u using?
by that im takin it 99.9 percent of your work is on board, now are you 2 coating everything? or just 1 coat - trowel it up?
I hear what your sayin about pride goin out the window after a little while, well i suppose thats site work for you, thats why i dont bother me arse with it, you need to throw it on in one coat, trowel it up to whatever standard you can get away with, its bloody soul destroying...
How many sets are you havin a day? or are you just rollin 1 into the next into 1 more thrown on before 2 o clock?
the 500 metre estimate btw was based on small rooms to give an idea of metrage rate, by the sound of it that jobs gonna be nearer 650 metres with a lot of awkwardness to worry about... never mind that though..
I find it really is a different world domestic / site, there really should be two sections to it..
its very similar to the window game in that respect, ive done commercial window fitting at AT LEAST 10 windows and 2 doors a day to make it pay.... swap that for private work and if you went through a payin customers house like that theyd think you were takin the piss.. more like 4 windows a day then..
put it another way, site work is drying up, we know that... but so is domestic work, now those lads that were doin the domestic work can usually turn their hands to sommat else, but the house bashers usually cant so theyre pricing domestic work at site rates and if you go storming through peoples houses like a dose of salts, forgetting theres things like boilers, pipes, skirting boards, architraves with a 1 coat standard on an overskim you aint gonna last long..
domestic lads take a bit longer, prolly 50 metres a day, but the price is double what you get on site, i know which id prefer anyday...
I once did exactly that on the window game years ago, i came off commercial, got a job for a domestic firm and rattled 10 windows in first day... the gaffer went absolutely booloo... I thought i was the bollox, but the difference WAS noticeable... and the customer didnt know what hit them, it werent no council house after all.. i didnt last long, but i learnt from that...
point is... dont be running round tellin people plastering is 2.50 a metre, site agents are one thing, they know the game, customers are a different animal entirely