Only £399. They’re Englebert HasselhoffHow much for shorts vest and long coat
Do I get free p+pOnly £399. They’re Englebert Hasselhoff
Yours for £150. Proceeds go to future development of even more attractive construction garmentageill have the toe cap boots.
Do you f**kDo I get free p+p
Yours for £150. Proceeds go to future development of even more attractive construction garmentage
That s me out lolDo you f**k
You’ll get on a construction site though. That’s what his range is aimed at. Tried and tested by Vince himselfBargain. Look the b*ll***s on a night out...just won't be able to get in anywhere!!
You’ll get on a construction site though. That’s what his range is aimed at. Tried and tested by Vince himself
Yes i would ........Just saying .Caught a bit of that jungle malarkey the Mrs was watching earlier. That Kate gahraway birds got a cracking pair of tits on her ! I didn't think wen I blurted out ' have they done the shower scene with her yet ? ' ! Guess who's kipping on the sofa tonight !wimin !
View attachment 42096
I like the idea of them! And the added bonus of stylish!! WinnerThe heatwave pants.
View attachment 42094
Caught a bit of that jungle malarkey the Mrs was watching earlier. That Kate gahraway birds got a cracking pair of tits on her ! I didn't think wen I blurted out ' have they done the shower scene with her yet ? ' ! Guess who's kipping on the sofa tonight !wimin !
View attachment 42096