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Looks like this is getting worse now. Do you think you'll be getting less work because of it? I'm self employed doing domestic and small commercial and i think it's going fall off. Lucky the missus is a civil servant and will get her wage. Could see a few ending up on the streets if they're overstretched at the moment. If you just caught it once it wouldn't be too bad because you could have parties and stuff to catch it like kids with chicken pox. Haven't got any masks anywhere. I might get some food supplies in at the weekend and fill up the van with fuel.
Doomed doomed we’re all doomed I tell you.
Think your underestimating it. This is going to be bad. My dad's got emphasima and is at risk. What happens if your dog gets it? Went to shop last night and got coffee whitener, flour, pot noodles, uht milk corned beef etc. We're on the frontline going in and out of peoples homes. i went to see a few jobs last night and I didn't shake hands with anyone just to be vigilant.
Think your underestimating it. This is going to be bad. My dad's got emphasima and is at risk. What happens if your dog gets it? Went to shop last night and got coffee whitener, flour, pot noodles, uht milk corned beef etc. We're on the frontline going in and out of peoples homes. i went to see a few jobs last night and I didn't shake hands with anyone just to be vigilant.
You sound like our lass

And @algeeman

And @Vincey
Think your underestimating it. This is going to be bad. My dad's got emphasima and is at risk. What happens if your dog gets it? Went to shop last night and got coffee whitener, flour, pot noodles, uht milk corned beef etc. We're on the frontline going in and out of peoples homes. i went to see a few jobs last night and I didn't shake hands with anyone just to be vigilant.
We’re hardly on the front line haha
Just wouldn't be going to weatherspoones or anywhere like that. But you could catch it from cash tills, money, touch screens, dogs. It might have symptons like flu but the flu doesn't kill the economy and this will. Loads of business going to fail because of this
Just wouldn't be going to weatherspoones or anywhere like that. But you could catch it from cash tills, money, touch screens, dogs. It might have symptons like flu but the flu doesn't kill the economy and this will. Loads of business going to fail because of this
Just use all the advice that we’re being given. Stay hygienic, eat well, drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. Don’t work yourself into exhaustion. Give yourself every chance to fight it off.
You're right. Life goes on. But lets hope it doesn't mutate to something more like HIV becoming Aids. That would be bad
Just wouldn't be going to weatherspoones or anywhere like that. But you could catch it from cash tills, money, touch screens, dogs. It might have symptons like flu but the flu doesn't kill the economy and this will. Loads of business going to fail because of this
Fuk your hypochondriac. Cancer kills 450 people in the UK every day we only had two whith this virus since Christmas in UK that have died and they had underlined problems.
Fuk your hypochondriac. Cancer kills 450 people in the UK every day we only had two whith this virus since Christmas in UK that have died and they had underlined problems.
Something going kill you in the end worse things than this. I bet you doing more harm plastering whith all dust in the air. Dust on lungs
Just wouldn't be going to weatherspoones or anywhere like that. But you could catch it from cash tills, money, touch screens, dogs. It might have symptons like flu but the flu doesn't kill the economy and this will. Loads of business going to fail because of this

You don't by any chance work for the Daily Mail do you?
Fuk your hypochondriac. Cancer kills 450 people in the UK every day we only had two whith this virus since Christmas in UK that have died and they had underlined problems.
Just getting ready because this is going to be like nothing we've seen before. It wasn't raining when noah built his ark but he was glad he did.
I'll take some of what ever your smoking.
All aboard the
It’s natural selection if any disease comes along which has always been bound to happen people will die and upsetting as it may be this is the way of the world if you’re in that category then unfortunately so be it! It’s the worlds way of dealing with population growth what will be will be I won’t be wearing masks and all that shite
It’s natural selection if any disease comes along which has always been bound to happen people will die and upsetting as it may be this is the way of the world if you’re in that category then unfortunately so be it! It’s the worlds way of dealing with population growth what will be will be I won’t be wearing masks and all that shite
Exactly m8. People are fighting for toilet rolls world going crasy. Im sure you can impravi
It’s natural selection if any disease comes along which has always been bound to happen people will die and upsetting as it may be this is the way of the world if you’re in that category then unfortunately so be it! It’s the worlds way of dealing with population growth what will be will be I won’t be wearing masks and all that shite
Exactly m8. Idiots panicking yo buy toilet rolls lol. Don't think it be the end of the world if you haven't got any bog roll in house
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