Wattle and daub costs query

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New Member
Hi folks.(my first post - tho I have been lurkng on here for some time)
I am in the process of quoting to double skin then skim a damaged wattle and daub ceiling with plasterboard and batons, the customer is also asking me for a quote to re-do the ceiling to original spec purely for comparison purposes.
The ceiling area is 4.5m x 4.5m and std 2.4m in height.
So ....how much should I quote to remove the exisiting and ceiling and fit the same spec - not that they want this work doing you undertand, purely for comparison purposes for insurance.
Thanks in advance
do you actually really mean 'wattle and daub' or do you mean 'lath and plaster'?
someone may be getting confused...

personally i'd just quadruple the quote and put something like 'To remove and dispose of existing ceiling construction and replace with laths and undercoat plaster with a fine skim finish'

then have something like 'to remove existing ceiling plaster and overboard existing laths with 1/2" gypsum plasterboard and skim to finish'

or 'to remove existing ceiling construction, cross batten with 25mm x 50mm treated timber, double board with 1/2" plasterboard and skim to finish'
I think chris is right here,you sure they want w/d replacing????? i doubt it.

Wattle and daub is basically strips of wood hazel or willow (i think) interwoven together and plastererd with a mixture of clay,soil,moss and horse s h it .
No insurance company will expect you to put this back up if there are suitable alternatives even on a listed building surely??????
Yes I suspect it is lath and plaster now you say it.
I just need a feeling for a realistic price to quote the customer so they can give it to the insurance company for a comparison against the quote I am supplying to double skin and then skim using modern materials, this will leave the original ceiling in place for posterity.....english heritage like to say.
So what do you think?
I was working along side a firm doing a lath and plaster ceiling some years back, they charged £2500 plus vat for a ceiling half of the size of the one you mentioned.
you'll need to check out the cost of materials,there's a company in dorchester that supply materials for this kind of work that i know of . they sell coarse sand/lime mixture for base coat and fine sand/lime mixture for finish coat.it comes in tubs ready mixed. So you'll need to price the mats in order to give a price. a few years ago I did a job patching a ceiling 2 mtr2 and got £1200 labour only 2 half days and english heritage were involved and no problems
OK Thanks for your responses,
I was thinking a little light...it seems, circa 1.5k
I'll quote around the 3k mark then.(remembering this ceiling will be done using modern materials only.)
heres a thought?
has anyone ever had an 'insurance job' where they wanted the price to put back like for like where there was no 'listed building / english heritage' spec?
whats the chances the customer wants to claim for '3 grands worth of non existent specialist work' and pay you for a 3 or 400 quid reboard and skim?
insurance company aint gonna know are they?
in fact they probably wouldnt pay out so whats the point of the 'comparison' in the first place?
watched a program today on insurance scams... they got this database these days that helps em spot dodgy looking claims...
trust me, they already know how much it would cost to reboard an old ceiling..
Chris, yes I agree.
Been there done it too, so thats exactly what I said to the customer, they assured me this was just a comparison, not convinced so.....should my quote be accepted.
I will be saving all correspondence with photo's of work undertaken, also will have their signatures on a contract describing what I have done for them and the agreed cost they paid me as quoted, that way no comeback to me.
Then they can do what the hell they like with the insurance.
how about this then -

'To completely remove existing ceiling including laths and cross batten with 25 x 50mm treated timber. Ceiling to be double boarded, screw fixed, joints overlapped with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard and skimmed to finish. Total price inc mats and labour £xxx
note : for comparison purposes, replacing the ceiling like for like with traditional methods would cost £x,xxx'

1 quote fits all ;)
Chris W said:
heres a thought?
has anyone ever had an 'insurance job' where they wanted the price to put back like for like where there was no 'listed building / english heritage' spec?
whats the chances the customer wants to claim for '3 grands worth of non existent specialist work' and pay you for a 3 or 400 quid reboard and skim?
insurance company aint gonna know are they?
in fact they probably wouldnt pay out so whats the point of the 'comparison' in the first place?
watched a program today on insurance scams... they got this database these days that helps em spot dodgy looking claims...
trust me, they already know how much it would cost to reboard an old ceiling..

It's probably in the terms and conditions of a policy that if the building being covered is of listed or special interest.
and that if the punter does'nt dissclose this then the policy is null and void.

Theres a good chance that if they are paying out a few grand for 1 ceiling that theloss ajuster might just happen to turn up
Insurance dont have to replace like for like its done on a new for old scheme.
like if u smashed ur 30 year old amstrad tv that cost £56 in 1971 blah blah blah.
youd now get a big fu ck off 42 inch plasma with stero sound becuse thats whats current and upto date.So im sure they say board and skim it.
here a thought...... but if you got asbestos in the ceilign they need to rip out and cost £5000 to sort out they would have to pay that out....im sure if you argued it out with insurance that you want w/d replacing they would do it
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