Wet dash


Active Member
If wet dashing with white sand and white cement onto grey cement brown sand background would anyone use a white sand white cement receiver coat or just dash straight onto the grey coat. Obviously if tiny bits are missed the grey bits would be visible. But if confident enough to cover every square inch is there any need for the receiver coat. (wet dash will be mixed and soured on site)

Maybe on a little panel or patch but wouldn’t fancy it over a few hundred metres trying to cover every single mm of grey,even hitting a wet bit the stuff spikes back at you and would mix with the grey nah I’m out on this one,white all the way!!
Wet dash

That's on to Grey
Wet dash
If wet dashing with white sand and white cement onto grey cement brown sand background would anyone use a white sand white cement receiver coat or just dash straight onto the grey coat. Obviously if tiny bits are missed the grey bits would be visible. But if confident enough to cover every square inch is there any need for the receiver coat. (wet dash will be mixed and soured on site)

arguable point but most in sw Scotland grey background