What do I do with this mess?!

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cheers herd but i have no idea what cat/56 ballums are am still looking what HDMI1.3 and 1.4 our lol

i dont want 10m ill prob only get what i need pointless having anything longer than i need not to mention you putting the thought in my head that less is best

anyone give me advice on a router? i have the sky one but im now thinking of moving the games consoles into the dining room and making a games room but id like the broadband signal to be very strong anyone ever used one of these?? NewLink 200MBPS Wireless Homeplug - Single Pack *Clearance Item* - - CCL Computers
cheers boys
as you can tell i dont know too much about this subjeect but im not a complete idiot

heres my thoughts:::::: homeplug to help with connections around the house eg laptops upstairs, the signal isnt that bad but could be better! I/we wouldnt use the net much for gaming, well hardly ever to be fair, mainly updating the consoles (normal use of the consoles is by disc) but the little girl goes on games on her laptop so a better connection around the house would be good!! am i best off getting 2 of those butplugs huhum i mean homeplugs then?

so if i get a couple of 10m HDMI cables to run to the other room ill be fine?? im guessing that the 1.4 is better than the 1.3? is there a better one dont want to be getting all nice gear and having a w@nk connection because i put sh!t cables in

cheers chaps:RpS_thumbup:
ill be cracking on with it in a couple of weeks hopefully so ill be back for some more advice, just a quick one for now,,, am i better off using hdmi sockets (if there is such a thing) and if so do they make them so a hdmi cable plugs into it or does it have to be wired , if you know what i mean
The less connections, the better imo. Why do you need an HDMI one room to another, is it so you can watch sky in both rooms?
There are hdmi sockets, they are ones that allow you to slot the cable into. HDMI is a bit of a tricky beast and as danny mac says the less connections the better for digital stuff. Basically don't bother with hdmi sockets, tidy up the hole with one of these..

What do I do with this mess?!
What do I do with this mess part 2 :)

Now, as i'm learning all the time, the thing i've learnt from this is that it would have been damn easier if I had just removed the plaster and dot and dabbed the wall... however I didn't and the dust is pretty insane. The other thing I learnt is that make sure when you use an angle grinder to chase the plaster right back to the brick as when you chisel out the scraps if the chased plaster is still attached to the other plaster chunks will come off, check middle of picture (to be fair the plaster goes to about 8mm thickness in that area for some reason).

The room is to be an office, adding to this wall are 3 sockets, 2 network, and 2 brush plates. I intend to fix batten around the edges and then plonk a table top on that covers the width of the room.

As far as tidying this goes..I plan to make good then skim the wall.

A couple things before I continue..

1 - bonding or hardwall? I have 3/4's of a bag of bonding left.

2 - currently the cables in the chases sit fine however there is not much of a gap between them and the surface of the wall. Sure I remember some rule where you have to scrim them, or make sure that the distance is greater than 10mm etc etc to avoid cracking.

3 - Should I remove the gang boxes first or just leave them in the wall.. err... de-flanged :)

4 . Any plaster that sounds hollow - remove? (cut out with angle grinder)

Cheers guys
1. just use the bonding

2.bond over the wire and while it is still wet trowel scrim onto the chase.

3. not sure what you mean but you need the back boxes in, and curl the wires into then so the trowel can wipe straight over it.

4. Once you start pulling off plaster, it sometimes wont stop until the whole wall is off. What I do is just pull off what comes off easy with fingers.

With all the wiring going into that wall it would have been far better to drill and fix slaters lath to the wall and screw boards on. You could have surface fixed your wires and backboxes onto the existing plaster.

Hope you were wearing a flowery frock and a mask when you attacked that with the angle grinder.........maximum dust lol
The less connections, the better imo. Why do you need an HDMI one room to another, is it so you can watch sky in both rooms?

I dont ned the HDMI going from room to another now cos ive change my plans, i was gonna leave the game systems in the room and run the cables so it could be played in both rooms but am not now, not for sky cos its multi room might run a Ethernet cable though for when ever I upgrade the tele

There are hdmi sockets, they are ones that allow you to slot the cable into. HDMI is a bit of a tricky beast and as danny mac says the less connections the better for digital stuff. Basically don't bother with hdmi sockets, tidy up the hole with one of these..

View attachment 1464
so a straight cable is best then (no breaks) those cover are ace not seen them before :RpS_thumbup:

oops, the pic..
Not that I will have to do it again for a while but chasing out sockets took me a lifetime, i score them with an angle grinder then chipped the bits away with hammer and chisel.

There has go to be a quick way of doing this other than those posh socket sinking tools.
What do I do with this mess?!

3 new sockets added to the ring, great.

Tonight I am going to terminate the network sockets and bury tv aerial, phono etc.

Saturday I plan to bond then skim the wall

Last night I thought i'd try and tack in some of the electric cables with 2.5mm clips, they seem to either bounce off the brick or when I try them int the beds and perps of the brick crumble. Just a little concerned with the chases being quite shallow that the bonding won't cover them or one bit of cable will 'pop' out a little.

Best method?
Last night I thought i'd try and tack in some of the electric cables with 2.5mm clips, they seem to either bounce off the brick or when I try them int the beds and perps of the brick crumble. Just a little concerned with the chases being quite shallow that the bonding won't cover them or one bit of cable will 'pop' out a little.

Best method?

You could replace the nails in the clips with longer ones and try them in the beds or, cut some strips of plastic and screw them either side of the wires into the beds. When the mortar is that soft then sometimes a screw is your best option.

Ideally you should have metal wire covers so you dont forget where they are and nail/screw straight through one.
bit of cut off cable about 100mm or whatever long with a nail or screw into the mortar, gives you more scope:RpS_wink:
makes me laugh when most sparkys use the metal or plastic covers they are never behind the plaster so i always have to rip them off and either use clips or bend some nails over if the clips are too proud

a little rough around the sockets in the corner but at least that area is hidden. I have not got the knack of margin trowels yet either.


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Yeah, that looks alright, gotta be happy with that. Maybe try to go a little lower next time, skirt will sit better and be easier to fix.
Cheers DannyMac,

I should beat myself up about the 'dodgyness' around a couple of the sockets that had bonding on them, its not all that bad.
Do you guys scratch up bonding before skimming? amateur mistake but I found that when skimming there were a couple peaks from the scratched bonding that stuck out a little bit.
The sockets on the very left are:

1 * power
1* 4 way gang with 2 way brush for tv aerial and phono (for connecting tv and an amp to the computer that will be sat in front) and 2 * cat5e for network

whats the little one in the middle for mate?

1 * power for 2 monitors
1 * hole :) which will be covered in a brush plate for 2 * hdmi leads from the computer for 2 wall mounted monitors to give it the floating look

On the right

1 * power
1* 2 way cat5e for network

Fingers tightly crossed it will be wire free :)
no need to scratch or devil up bonding mate,u probably noticed that at this stage it sunk abit as it pulled in,i always put a tight coat over the top at this point.
Cheers Spread, i'll get there in the end.

Question to plasterers, I need to get a couple artex ceilings skimmed, the area is too much for me to do myself. If someone like myself was to say to as plaster 'i'll help" would that be a help or a hindrance
danny did you post a link to a good homeplug? i cant seem to find it if you did, if you didnt could you recommend a set please? cheers buddy
Cheers Spread, i'll get there in the end.

Question to plasterers, I need to get a couple artex ceilings skimmed, the area is too much for me to do myself. If someone like myself was to say to as plaster 'i'll help" would that be a help or a hindrance
help washing buckets out and pva ing ceiling is always appreciated,he might even let you trowel up wi him:RpS_biggrin:
Cheers for the help... this one is now done...
I've learnt that:

if you have sockets to work around etc then the wall will take a lot longer to do,

don't worry about muck going into the socket boxes as you can just wipe it out later,

don't scratch up bonding and check for peaks before skimming,

go low enough to cover the skirting.. hopefully i'll get away with it but at the bottom in hte middle i might have to patch a little

the method i was taught invloved using a brush (wet trowel 2).. make sure you trowel over all the brush marks (hopefully this won't matter when painted.

What do I do with this mess?!

It feels so good to put white paint on the wall, the whole house is this insipid yellow colour which is really drab, even the little bit of white around the sockets gave me hope.

..while you're here.. this room has some mold ( you can see on the right of the picture)... 50/50 bleach still the most used method? how long to leave before painting/skimming.

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