Private Member
to be honest i dont really no why everyone finds it so outragous. generally when a lad starts first they need to learn to mix, tape up, maybe a skim bead or 2, unload and load the van, and then the rest is watching u to start to understand what the job is about. now assuming they are only going to do about a couple of hours work a day, i cant really see the problem in for the first few weeks or so for them to use a podger. its not to be a t**t, or because i feel bitter. if all they are gonna do is mix a few tubs a day and stand about, id rather them get used to building up a bit of a sweat, get a callous on their hand, get off their phone and strengthen them up a bit. half the lads iv had cant lift a tub onto the board. like i said before only for a month or so, then when they can knock up properly and keep the place clean, know how to load the van properly and start to labour properly then they can start to put a bit on and start to use a drill etc. as i said if they dont keep the drill clean once theyve been shown, then they can use the podger again. most lads are a bit workshy when they start and standing about pulling a trigger doesnt help that in my opinion. when i was that age it did me good.