What to do?!

obviously there is the fast track ‘premium’ route that many many members have gone down and been so grateful for. It’s saved them years of toil and financial hardship.

A few recommendations

‘Chrispys fast track premium route saved me from years of toil and financial hardship and set me free to start my own house diary’
@John j

‘if I hadn’t have met Chrispy, I reckon I would have had years of toil and financial hardship...it set me free’

Abd so it goes on...
ive been free since i left stonehenge in 1983,,,moved on to a hole on a greek beach covered with broken pedalo and sand for 9 months then f**k*d off into the deserts of middle east for a year,,,got a fasination of sand and became a free trading plasterer with a smile on his mooey
ive been free since i left stonehenge in 1983,,,moved on to a hole on a greek beach covered with broken pedalo and sand for 9 months then f**k*d off into the deserts of middle east for a year,,,got a fasination of sand and became a free trading plasterer with a smile on his mooey

Thats a no then. Oh well :confused:
Depends where your standing mate?

What to do?!
the rage is rife in the well known member frat,,,i think i might like to stay an active member,,,my nose is to big for a pope hat anyway

just friendly banter Lee. I dropped in and still here 8 yrs later.

The main thing about TPF is that most things are forgotten and forgiven. There’s not many places left where you can be a complete pissed up ranting t**t and know one really cares the next day
i have no patience, tell joy and her maruading sisters to do 1,,im grabbin it now,,and getting me walls straight,,if they insist on still coming then tell them to bring kebabs beer bifter and sudacreme,,,thanks Lee
Beer. Bifter. Sudacreme ……

I think we’re soulmates!