Whats quieter, plaster or drywall?


New Member
Just doing some dreaming here. But suppose I win the lottery and build my dream house to my perfection, what material would be more suitable to my needs? My current house is made of drywall and I can hear popping noises all the times from thermal expansion... It drives me nuts. I have misophonia so I am literally afraid of these noises, so much to the point where I have to play white noise to cover it up. I have difficulty concentrating unless everything is absolutely silent, so I am just wondering what material would achieve that for walls? I was thinking of cement board actually because its so rigid, but I am not sure if you would need to use joint compound or cement in between boards in that case.
Just doing some dreaming here. But suppose I win the lottery and build my dream house to my perfection, what material would be more suitable to my needs? My current house is made of drywall and I can hear popping noises all the times from thermal expansion... It drives me nuts. I have misophonia so I am literally afraid of these noises, so much to the point where I have to play white noise to cover it up. I have difficulty concentrating unless everything is absolutely silent, so I am just wondering what material would achieve that for walls? I was thinking of cement board actually because its so rigid, but I am not sure if you would need to use joint compound or cement in between boards in that case.
I can sort this..I'll drop you my Mrs & kids off