what's with 'roughing'??

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we always called it float and set, but i have heard it called roughing also when it was sand and cement greening and pinking,

Yeah I'd forgotten those ones.
The amount of spreads that would say how much nicer the S&C would skim the following day with what was known as "green suction", never knowing that the S&C would still be curing/shrinking fir the next four days and that the pink would shell off.
well,i dont know about other northoners but you can always tell a Yorkshireman...but ya cant tell him much!!:RpS_lol:
forgive me,i'm new to this site....but it does my nut when a plasterer refere's to floating as roughin....it was all float and set when i came up....years later this roughing term seems to be common place.is it a regional thing...like handboard(hawk)and ligga board(spot board):-0

does it really matter it amounts to the same thing.
mind you dont you use wallpaper as floating?:RpS_thumbsup:
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