Where do i start off.

fcuk plastering pal....if I could turn the clock back 30 years i'd have gone into plumbing/heating or electrics as a trade that's where the money is, plastering's fckin shyte and hard graft pal fcuk the idea off before it's to late fukin 'ell I sound like Andyg :lol:

Yes you do sound like Andyg...hmmmm!

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Plastering is trade you earn not learn. It's a bloody hard path filled with frustration and tough lessons. I once heard someone describe plastering .."it's like riding a bike.....except the bikes on fire .... so are your hands..and so is the world" a little melodramatic methinks but the point was made.
If it's a path you feel passionately about then dive in and I wish you luck. Personally I'd explore other options if your funded and don't have high outgoings..for example:
1: chimney sweep . My local chimney sweeper started up 6 months ago and already has a client base that keeps him working full time.
2: landscape gardner. Lots of research, little accreditation required ,minimal set up cost
3: sperm donater: sperm banks are incredibly low and are now paying record high amounts for quality seed .
The list goes on. Good luck and may the force be with you
Plastering as we knew it will be a thing of the past in twenty years. Very soon we will be spraying and sanding, or putting it on with a roller and sanding. Render will be the same, more thin coat on render boards than any thing else, the finish will be an acceptable “open” finish, so there will be less skill required to meet expectations. Screeding will die out altogether as screed boards take the place.
All in all, developers will try to modulise buildings so that a less skilled (cheaper) workforce can achieve the desired dwelling.
Plastering as we knew it will be a thing of the past in twenty years. Very soon we will be spraying and sanding, or putting it on with a roller and sanding. Render will be the same, more thin coat on render boards than any thing else, the finish will be an acceptable “open” finish, so there will be less skill required to meet expectations. Screeding will die out altogether as screed boards take the place.
All in all, developers will try to modulise buildings so that a less skilled (cheaper) workforce can achieve the desired dwelling.

well not really.....we might be invaded by big ginger aliens.
or we could be living under water.

im sure i can hear my scottish nieghbours spewing up...sounds like hes drowning lol.
Plastering as we knew it will be a thing of the past in twenty years. Very soon we will be spraying and sanding, or putting it on with a roller and sanding. Render will be the same, more thin coat on render boards than any thing else, the finish will be an acceptable “open” finish, so there will be less skill required to meet expectations. Screeding will die out altogether as screed boards take the place.
All in all, developers will try to modulise buildings so that a less skilled (cheaper) workforce can achieve the desired dwelling.
To be honest people were saying similar things thirty years ago.
how many have you got andy ??
can i work late and whats the rates :reloco::reloco::reloco:

i skimmed a small staircase this morning on a farm house 3m high....so the lads have access to finish rooms upstairs for me tomozz.
them came home mixed the s**t by hand and am now sat here with the awfull smell of render.
and i cooked a lamdb dinner for 6 people and nearly taught my 4 year old esme to ride her bike without stableizers.
god im fuucking tired lol...but alive !!!!


  • Where do i start off.
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i skimmed a small staircase this morning on a farm house 3m high....so the lads have access to finish rooms upstairs for me tomozz.
them came home mixed the s**t by hand and am now sat here with the awfull smell of render.
and i cooked a lamdb dinner for 6 people and nearly taught my 4 year old esme to ride her bike without stableizers.
god im fuucking tired lol...but alive !!!!

Ale in stella glass @ 2. O’clock

Top man
Wow, I came on here to get some advice for a DIY project (actually doing a job for family) but after reading this thread, f**k that. I can't believe I read that 26 is late or too late in life to get into ANYTHING. I just went back to school and graduated at the top of my class at 36 in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science. You guys act it is too late. Do whatever you want man, ain't nothing that is too late. Especially plastering. Go watch some videos and take a course if you need to, no helpful advice here.

TO be honest its not too late to learn but plastering is hard on the body and by the time you have got up to speed you are not getting any younger...

On another note... there is soooooo much helpful advice on this forum.... nearly a million posts... it cant always be focused and friendly but the points get made whether people want to hear them or not :D
how many have you got andy ??
can i work late and whats the rates :reloco::reloco::reloco:
TO be honest its not too late to learn but plastering is hard on the body and by the time you have got up to speed you are not getting any younger...

On another note... there is soooooo much helpful advice on this forum.... nearly a million posts... it cant always be focused and friendly but the points get made whether people want to hear them or not :D
Or to put it another way; f**k off you whiny c**t.
To be honest people were saying similar things thirty years ago.
Agreed, but look how much float and set we did then compared to now. Look at the posts that slam “skimmers” as not “proper” plasterers. Screeding the same .....flow screed is gonna take over or screed board will. Tape and joint for houses hasn’t really caught on here........but it will. Commerce will dictate the “ next big thing” ......high build was one......real earner, until the developers realised that there was little or no great skill involved.....next thing was any t**t was lashing it on, and plasterers back to usual.
Agreed, but look how much float and set we did then compared to now. Look at the posts that slam “skimmers” as not “proper” plasterers. Screeding the same .....flow screed is gonna take over or screed board will. Tape and joint for houses hasn’t really caught on here........but it will. Commerce will dictate the “ next big thing” ......high build was one......real earner, until the developers realised that there was little or no great skill involved.....next thing was any t**t was lashing it on, and plasterers back to usual.
Over the last five years or so we've come across more and more builders of 'big one offs' that have stopped using liquid screeds.
Tape and jointing was big here in the southeast for a number of years, but again builders started to turn their backs on it. I don't believe that float and set will ever come back like it was as there just wouldn't be enough skilled people to get the work done.
Tape and jointing was huge with 2 or 3 of the bigger developers down the south west for a long time, made a big a impact to the trade when you consider the volume they were building. Those and many others are moving back to plaster now. I had a call from someone that I plastered for about 15 years ago (they went tape&joint) they've come back to wet plaster, offered me 12 houses...at the same rate as 15 years ago
Hey guys so im looking to get in to plastering but i have no idea where to start im 26 so im to old for an apprenticeship. Would it be best for me to ring local companys to become a labourer and hope for them to train me up. I just stuck at the moment and any help would be appreciated.

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Cancel your gym membership, if your not that way inclined then choose another trade
Over the last five years or so we've come across more and more builders of 'big one offs' that have stopped using liquid screeds.
Tape and jointing was big here in the southeast for a number of years, but again builders started to turn their backs on it. I don't believe that float and set will ever come back like it was as there just wouldn't be enough skilled people to get the work done.
It won’t come back because plumbers and sparks won’t sink their pipes and boxes. If they did they’d want a small fortune.
Man listen, do what you want. If it's a path you wanna explore, explore it. Don't let negative comments put you iff.. Pretty sure plastering was already supposed to have died out by now - it hasn't. Get the experience you need and build up your speed. Learn on the job. It might mean doing low paid shifts to work with others. there will be guys who'll take you on. It's not going anywhere and if it's somthing you feel passionately about, do it. I feel the same way about plastering although I did leave it for 4 years. but I'll come back next June better and stronger for doing so. good luck my man