where is jessica

where is jessica these days , kind of miss her threats /er her ideas/ threats of violence towards essexandy etc etc,
miss the lass really,
she was a good one, hopefully she turns up now and again ,
Don't worry mate she's still alive and kicking and still regularly abuses and threatens me with violence and potatoes.
She's even been quiet on WhatsApp lately, I think she's concentrating on getting pregers, anyone noticed that Norm isn't about much lately as well?
Right f**k**s! Stop talking about me or you shall be potatoed!! And you! And you! Death by potato it shall be!!
doctor who potato GIF
Don't worry mate she's still alive and kicking and still regularly abuses and threatens me with violence and potatoes.
She's even been quiet on WhatsApp lately, I think she's concentrating on getting pregers, anyone noticed that Norm isn't about much lately as well?
I'm still overseeing you all lm living in South of France now with Jess strange how things workout