where to buy a plasterers spatula?

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New Member
used one a few weeks back and my god what a time saver on big jobs. cant find the buggers stocked anywhere... any ideas?
So what do you use a plasterers spatula for? Is is only for very large areas? I did see a youtube video and a guy looked like he was flattening a large ceiling with one.
Got my stuff today, 40" s*p*r*lex spat, 3 x 32" s*p*r*lex spat, 18" super flex spat 28"s*p*r*lex plastic, 24" plastic and 14" plastic.

All this stuff came direct from refina with handtoolxpress on top of my address, so looks like they process all orders direct with refina! Nice savings to be had!

Must say the 28" plastic looks like a beast

Just need a ritmo now
Nice vid lol...... The spats mate it doesn't really matter cause I doubt you'll finish with them but there ******* expensive
thats the plan finish from start to finish with them, plastic for a final trowel

Gibbo what experience of the new spray finish using these s*p*r*lex products do you have?
i do like the song :-)
none whatsoever but a trowel is all you need but i have plenty of machine experience and have seen finish sprayed a complete waste of time the m100 vid makes it look good but they were using alot of air not good for the finish
not sure yet i wanna give yours a bash if that job comes up in park royal 400 rooms to go at might work
You won't finish the plaster with one of those spats mate, just out of interest how are you planning to approach it
u can finish the bg spray plaster to a nice finish with them.

according to the bg guy it was made with the intention of using them. but that may be utter b*ll***s
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