I've been plastering for over twenty five years and probably kept myself to myself and don't look at new ways, so it was a surprise to me to decide to buy a new trowel. Having always used Marsheltown I decided to go for a s*p*r*lex from Regina. It said suitable for multi and board finish. Perfect I thought.
It turned up and the blade is really thin and written on the packaging it states only for latter troweling.
What a rip off I thought having always used one trowel for everything.
So without teaching me to suck eggs what's the M.O with trowels now. Do I really need one for putting on, another one for laying and another for troweling plus also a plastic one?
And why is everyone obsessed with plaster being really smooth!
I was taught to make it flat with no marks but to feel like a really fine grade sand paper so it takes the paint well.
This should be fun.........eeek