white overalls

white overalls
white overalls
Men in white put things right

No wonder the trade is a mess with all these jogger bottom wearing toe rags plastering walls

I’m ready to roll
I worked out pretty quickly just to wear shorts, easier to pick plaster from the skim than clothing, plus you can pull bits off and pretend they are gingernuts for your cuppa breaks :coffe:
Done some render today with a mate another lad tags along to see how its done with a white paper coverall suit on.
People must of thought it was a crime scene.
I was wearing those in my workshop the other day! :LOL:

I ‘employed’ my folks to make roses and my dads been kitting it out with new worktops for me... anyway they bought those paper overall things. I pitched up in Si’s car and put one on so he didn’t kill me for getting s**t in his car. Defo looked like a crime scene with the three of us! :risas2: