White Set in Coogee:

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George Kidd

Active Member
White Set in Coogee:
White Set in Coogee:
Hi Lads, White set is made up of Hydrated Lime putty and Hardwall, it doesn't hareden long term like finish back home in the UK & Ireland, they are having a lot of problems here in Perth regarding the plastering as it's now made it onto the evening news about the issues out here TBH
There has been a lot of issues regarding the bad workmanship regarding the Plastering here in Perth, as this is the only State to actually do Solid wall plastering, over east is mainly Plaster board and taped?
A lot is really down to lack of knowledge here in WA
It's getting out off control in this day and age tbh
To many are just picking up a Hawk & Trowel and taking the easy route?
Once some have learnt a few bits and pieces, that them gone self employed and under cutting as they ha e not the same bill to pay tbh
is that the equivalent to our skim?
Yes Danny mate, only it's mixed with hydrated lime putty and hardwalls, it's really an awful product and causing a lot of issues ATM mate
It goes of hard, but then can come flurry if that makes sense?
It has to be oil based before painting etc
Yes Danny mate, only it's mixed with hydrated lime putty and hardwalls, it's really an awful product and causing a lot of issues ATM mate
It goes of hard, but then can come flurry if that makes sense?
It has to be oil based before painting etc
Have been using this product for 60 years. Used correctly there is no better finish, it is the pure form of plastering no chemicals.