who still has artex in there homes

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Private Member
Who still has artex in there homes and who has any cracks in the ceilings. Me no artex but one hairline crack in my living ceiling and seen a few hairline cracks in the bedroom were I dot and dabbed about 6 yrs ago.
Got papered ceilings all through my house. Lave and plaster ceilings underneath and just can't be bother to rip them all down and board it. They look quite good who ever did it!
All but 2 of the ceilings in my gaff are artex, and the kitchen ceilings had a leak so I've gotta overboard that f**k*r now
Yer been thinking gibbo. doing my bedroom in the bark pattern you kbow the one that takes your skin off when you brush past it.
I tried to get hold of a bark roller nigh impossible unless online.so elastic bands rapped around the roller done the trick.but I've got to admit it was old spread who come up with the idea.I can't stand the stuff!!
I still have artex on all of my ceilings. We eventualy want to move so cant be bothered to do it.

I always tell the wife when it comes back in fashion we will have the best looking house in the street.
Spunkies sponge shop hmm got a ring to it sponges to the plastering trade and see the adult section.
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